Who am I?

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A/n Imagine Abigail to look something like this. Only younger, a bit shorter, and with brown hair instead of red, and the eyes are more of a seafoam green. Also welcome to the first Chapter of Specter's Journey! I hope you enjoy it! Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom, Harry Potter, or any other tv shows/movies or song I use in this, only the plot and my OC's. These other characters and plotlines belong to their respective creators. Now, on with the story!
Different language (the specific language will be specified when it is being used)
Normal Speech

'Darkness, that's all I can see. All around me is darkness, I've been in the dark for as long as I can remember.' Just how long have I been here? Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months? How did I even end up here? Wherever here is anyway. 'I try to move, but I realize I can't feel anything. Nothing except for the bitter cold that seems to cling to me in this barren place. Nor can I move any part of my body.' Did I die? Is that why I'm trapped in an eternal darkness? Is this what happens when one dies? I can't have died! I'm way too young to die, and I don't even remember how I died! How old am I? What grade am I in? What's my name? What happened to my family? Are they alive or dead?'

'But the question that makes me feel more nervous than any of the others is this.' Who am I? 'Not knowing anything about myself makes me panic even more.' Maybe I am dead after all. 'I hear a distant voice shout a familiar name in the distance. It sounds very far away. I desperately want to move away from here and find whoever that voice belongs to. But, I am stuck standing here, and wondering just what will happen to me. It seems like an eternity of struggling against whatever force is keeping me here, but I eventually manage to gain some control over my own body again. I start to stand up as I was in a sitting position and I look around slowly. I realize all too soon that this action is pointless as I can't see a thing, I can't even see my right hand while it is inches from my face. I sigh angrily before shivering violently.' Why is it so cold here? And why do I feel like something's watching me?'

'Feeling even more on edge than before, I run away from whatever I feel lime is watching me. I trip over many things and eventually give up as I trip over what feels like a large tree root. It feels the thing that was watching me has followed me here and I cower underneath the big tree, shivering from both fear and cold. I gasp as I feel something land just behind me, its breath feels warm against my neck and it smells terrible. I feel him move and realize he must've raised his arm or something. I start to scream for help before he tries to attack. I feel as if this is the end for me, so I close my eyes tightly and....'

I wake up drenched in a cold sweat. The first thing I'm aware of is that it isn't dark in here. The second thing I notice, after breathing a sigh of relief that it was only a nightmare, is that I am in a hospital room. The walls, ceiling, and floor of the hospital room are all a startling white. The white light in the room gives it a very sterile feeling. The third thing I notice is that someone is calling my name repeatedly, and I remember who I am. "... Abby! Abby! Are you alright?" The boy who I have been friends with since elementary school asks me. He has raven black hair, icy blue eyes, and pale skin. He wears a baggy white shirt with a red circle in the chest part of it. He also wears blue jeans, and red and white, worn down, converses.

He gazes at me worriedly, having not seen me during one of my nightmares before. I've had bad ones in the past, but this one was particularly bad. I'm not one to scream, or show fear, and the way he's looking at me means I must've shown fear, or screamed. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. It was just a nightmare." I say, noting my voice sounds raspy, and my throat feels like sandpaper. "Just a nightmare? You were screaming your head off! What was the nightmare about anyway?" He asks. Always count on Danny's superhero complex to kick in when one of his friends faces so much as even a nightmare. My best friend Danny has always been protective of us, his friends, even before he had his powers.

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