Stupid Crazed Up Fruitloop

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A/n So the last chapter ended in a cliffhanger and since I decided that was mean I'll give you guys another chapter. Enjoy! Also, the Plasmius Maximums makes it's grand return.

I look at Danny in fright. Never have I ever thought I would be afraid of one of my friends, especially Danny. Yet here I am cowering in fear under his cold glare. "It's not what it looks like." I say quickly, my fright mounting the longer I remain under his icy glare. His eyes, a glowing toxic green, narrow at me in suspicion. "Who are you? How did you get here? More importantly, why are you here?" His questions hurt. He doesn't trust me. Just because I'm a ghost, he doesn't trust me. But then, we never trust ghosts until we know if they're a threat or not. I just got to show him I'm not a threat, and then maybe I can convince him that I am Abby.

"My name is..." I start to reply then I take a second to think about it. I can't say I'm Abby right away, or he'll call me a liar, and nothing I say will get him to believe me until I can back in a half hour. With my injuries, I wouldn't last five minutes fighting Danny, and he will likely fight me if he thinks I'm a lying evil ghost. I can barley stunt without aching. So fighting is out, and telling him my true name right away is out too. Maybe I can come up with a name for myself, and use it until he realizes that it's me. Yes, that is the better option. "I'm waiting, ghost." Danny snaps coolly, causing me to wince at his harsh tone. "Just give me a sec." I snap back, causing him to scowl. Let's see, Phantom is too obvious, Ghost is a terrible name, Abby is obviously out. Annabeth could be a good one. But that's not really a ghostly name. I like Specter too. Maybe Anna Specter? That could work. It's close enough to my real name that it suits me, and it's also different from my real name.

"Well? It's been much longer than a minute, got a name ghost? Or am I gonna have to keep calling you ghost?" Danny asks. "The name's Anna Specter, and I ended up here on accident. I guess I fell out of a ghost portal while I was flying around the Zone, and I guess it opened up here in the human realm. By the time I realized I wasn't in the Zone anymore, you showed up, and you know the rest." I say, gaining some of my confidence back. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "And you expect me to believe that? Let me ask again, why are you here?" He asks me, now circling me like a predator circling its prey. "I told you already! It was an accident! I didn't mean to end up here! The Zone is always changing and new portals are always opening up there! How was I supposed to know that by taking a relaxing flight would lead me from the Zone to... " I start before Danny cuts me off.

"Why do you keep calling it the Zone?" Danny says, I can tell he's angered by it. I look at him in confusion. Why is he so mad at me? What did I ever do wrong to him? He's usually never this cold to any of his enemies, except for Vlad, and the time he fought Dan. I grow cold as I realize what this could mean. Does he think I'm a threat to his friends? Perhaps he blames me for the disappearance of myself. But since he doesn't know I'm Abby, he thinks something's happened to her. He thinks she's been kidnapped by a ghost. And since I'm the only ghost in this hospital, he must think I'm the kidnapper. I've said it once and I'll say it again, stupid crazed up fruitloop. Danny takes a step towards me at the same time that I take a step back.

"Danny, please. You have to believe me. I didn't kidnap Abby. She wasn't kidnapped either." I say, backing away even more as he gets closer. "How do you know about Abby? Or even that she's missing then?" Danny asks, I mentally curse myself for that slip up. "I know her because she ran into me just before you got in here. She ran out, apparently being chased by something or someone. After she left, another ghost came in here by the name of Plasmius, and he started fighting me after I tried to buy Abby some time. He ended up beating me to a pulp, but as I had injured him a bit too, he left. He didn't chase after Abby either. I don't know where she is, but I'm sure she'll be back soon." I say, sneaking a glance toward the clock hanging on the wall. It's only been 10 minutes?! Longest 30 minutes ever! "Am I supposed to believe that story too? You must take me for a complete idiot. I would've know if Vlad was here, my ghost sense would've alerted me to his presence." Danny says, causing me to glare at him.

That's it! I've just about had it with Danny's accusatory questions, and how he won't believe a word that I say. Well I'm done, either he believes the truth or he doesn't and I run away, and stay away for the next twenty minutes. "That's it! I'm done arguing with you Danny! I forgot how stubborn you really are. You want to know why I called the Ghost Zone the Zone? It's because I am Abby! I am her whether you want to believe it or not. Vlad used his Plasmius Maximum on me to keep me stuck in my ghost form. He wanted to pit me against you, as a way of revenge. I guess he realized I, being a new halfa, wouldn't last two minutes against you. Never mind a whole half hour. It was the perfect revenge scheme in his eyes. It might still be if you don't believe me. To make matters worse, he injured me on top of the many injuries I have had since I've been in the hospital. He knew you'd blame yourself for hurting me when it really isn't your fault." I say finally piecing it together.

"He knows how much you care about us, he knows you would gladly die the rest of the way for us. He knew the guilt would haunt you for a long time after the battle. That's why he did this, and he's always seemed to hold a grudge against me, and my family. My loss would harm my parents in a way that they might never recover from it. He's such a fruitloop!" I finish, tears welling up in my eyes. How dare he? That...that fruitloop! My jaw clenches and my hands ball into fists. "He won't get away with this." I growl under my breath, my eyes glowing dangerously. "Nobody hurts my family!" I shout, flying away suddenly. I phase through the many floors of the hospital until I reach the roof without even thinking about it.

I'm acting all on instinct as I look for clues as to where the fruitloop has gone. I spot him watching Danny and I with a smug smirk. Time to wipe that smirk off of his face. Before I can do that, I feel something hit me in the back. "What have you done with Abby?" Danny asks, charging another ectoblast. "I don't have time for this!" I shout, before hitting him with an ectoblast of my own. I fly down to where Vlad is and punch him in the face. I grab his cape before he could recover from the sudden blow, and throw him into the ground below. A crater forms where he lands. I grab him by the front of his suit, and deliver a kick to the stomach. He hunches over in pain as I let go, and attempt to land a roundhouse kick on him. He grabs my leg and throws me away from him.

I skid to a stop in mid-air, and throw a few ectoblast at him. I'm dully aware of getting hit in the back by two ectoblasts myself as I keep fighting Vlad, throwing blow after blow at him. "Give it up Vlad! Reverse what you did to me now, or I'll have to use this on you. And I'll hand you over to Maddie. This way, you can finally be with her." I say, pulling out a Fenton Thermos with a smirk. Danny stops trying to fight me, and gapes at it. I look back at him briefly, and roll my eyes. He's acting like he's never seen a Fenton Thermos before. And it seems like he's just now noticing Vlad too. "Hm, you too huh? Well played, Annabeth, using my love for Madeline against me. Though I myself have found these past thirty minutes to be quite enjoyable. Until next time, ta." He says, and with that, he disappears.

"It's been thirty minutes?! Finally! And the name's Abby, fruitloop!" I shout, and then I focus on becoming human again. I open my eyes just as the purple rings start traveling up and down my body again. I look at myself again, to see that I'm human again. "Ah, human again. Finally, it's a nightmare being stuck as a ghost. I kinda feel sorry for some of the other ghosts." I say, relieved that it's finally over. "Being a ghost is cool and all, but I like knowing that at the end of the day I can turn into myself again, well my human self. Isn't that right, Danny? Danny?" I ask, turning to face him. My heart breaks a little as I see the depressed look on his face, and the tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry Abby, I'm so sorry." Danny says, standing motionless, and looking at the ground in his shame.

I wrap my arms around him in a comforting hug. "You didn't know it was me. I would've done the same thing in your position." I say, but suddenly a wave of pain, dizziness, and tiredness hits me, and I fall to the ground. I whimper in pain, and wish it would go away. I guess whatever adrenaline rush I had was gone now. I struggle to stay awake as Danny picks me up, bridal style, and flies me into the hospital wordlessly. Though the haunted look on his face says it all. He blames himself for my injuries. "Oh Danny, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I failed you." I say softly, before falling asleep for yet a third time that day. Danny hears it, and curses himself. He had failed me yet again.

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