The Discovery

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A/n Welcome to the second chapter of SJ, I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter and I hope you find this one just as good!

Have you ever woken up in a state of panic because you realized you were floating about eight feet above your bed? No? Well let me just tell you that it is not a pleasant experience. Danny, I suppose, had left for a bit to get food or something. I had woken up for a few minutes a while ago, but I don't know how long ago exactly. I do vaguely remember telling Dany to get some food, so hopefully he listened. He cares so much about others, and so little about himself, that I have to argue with him at times to get him to take care of himself. Sam argues with him too on this matter. Sometimes he listens, other times he's just too stubborn for his own good.

I decide that screaming in this situation is probably not a good idea as it will alert the nurses and doctors. I really would rather not have to explain why I'm on the ceiling, as defying gravity is physically impossible for normal humans. I could blame it on ghosts, but then Mr. and Mrs. Fenton might show up, and try to attack me. Or even save me from the "putrid ectoplasmic scum" that is possessing me. They'll definitely think it's a ghost, and they are most likely right. However, their hatred of ghosts blinds them to reality, not all ghosts are evil. They don't know about half ghost hybrids either. Well, they do know about them in a roundabout way, they just don't believe that they truly exist.

There was one time where all of the student body of Casper High were bitten by ghost bugs, including Sam and I, and we all gained ghost powers from them. It was another plot created by Spectra and Bertrand in order to make Spectra feel young and beautiful. Anyway, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton claimed that it was impossible for humans to have ghost powers. So as much as they claim to be experts on the subject of ghosts, they have a lot to learn. Will they learn? Probably not if they keep on hating ghosts. I remember the first month after the accident. Danny had problems controlling his powers, and he was going to tell his parents about them. He hated them at first, hating the fact that he wasn't normal anymore. Sam and I convinced him that having powers was a good thing, and that they made him one of a kind.

One major problem he faced was randomly floating up to the ceiling at times, and not being able to float down. We got so tired of it that we started keeping a rope tied to his waist. Whenever he would start floating, we would pull him back down to the ground. It may have sounded comedic but it really wasn't. It was a wonder that no one in this clueless town saw the mishaps of his ghost powers. But, then again, they are clueless for a reason. Danny may be clueless when it comes to his feelings for Sam and vice versa, but compared to the rest of the town, he's a genius. Event his parents who hunt ghosts are oblivious to the fact that there's one living under their roof!

As I float up here, flipping onto my back so I can use the ceiling to crawl around a bit, I think about what my new ability of flight could mean. This is all very similar to what Danny experienced. Maybe I have ghost powers too? If so, how did I get them? I use my hands to push myself across the ceiling slowly. The hospital blanket eventually falls off of me, and onto the floor near the bed. Oh great, there's nothing to grab onto that'll help me get down. Well this is just wonderful. I hear footsteps outside of my hospital room, getting closer, and closer to the door. I try to suppress a yelp of fear as the person opens the door, and enters. It just so happens to be the nurse who gave me that medicine.

She has her back to the door, so I try to float back down to the bed. No matter how hard I try, I can't do it.  She turns to face the bed only to find it empty. She drops a bowl of soup, this one different than the one before, in her horror. She then quickly calls for security, and other doctors, and nurses. And if this situation couldn't get any worse, Danny shows up with his own food. He drops it too as he notices that I'm gone. I want call out to him, to show him that I'm still here. But with the nurse here, and more doctors, and nurses on the way, I don't want to risk them finding out about halfas, or calling the Fenton's for help. So, I do the most logical think I can think of in such a short time, I head for the only window in the hospital room. Luckily, it's closer to the ceiling than the floor.

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