Pure Power

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The pain circled his body, it felt like everything inside him was tensing, waiting to explode, boiling up to a certain point until it would be to late.

He barely noticed the Lord of Souls leaving, shutting the giant doors behind him.

Half of him was glad for it, he didn't like the idea of someone watching him when he was like this, the other half of him cried out, he didn't want to be left alone.

But those thoughts soon mattered very little to him. He closed his eyes. Something boiling hot and painful burned him, burned everything inside him.

Stiles couldn't stop himself from screaming, raking the ground with his hands.

Then... it happened.

Something snapped inside him.

Stiles eyes shot open, a odd heat behind them.

His own breathing hitched, he started to pant like he'd just ran a marathon.

His magic that he'd hardly felt since the pain had overwhelmed his body suddenly filled him to the brim until he felt like he would burst.

He felt something odd on his skin, Stiles looked down in shock to see that a black cloth was covering his body. A black cloak that looked like mist then hardened as it touched his skin, clothing him in warmth.

He realised it looked similar to the white cloak that the last Grand Master had worn.

The pain started to finally dull and give away to something else, it transformed into... energy.

Pure energy.

Pure magic.

Pure power.

In that moment Stiles becomes something more...

He can feel all the other sorcerous living in their districts, living in his world and he is sure they can feel him.

He knows in that moment that if he was anybody else this much power would have killed them, he realised that the pain he had been feeling had been his own magic but at that time he couldn't handle it. 

But...now he could...

Stiles could feel how he was connected to every living thing in this world. It was almost like how he connected with his father to talk but this time he was connected to millions and millions of sorcerous instead.

Slowly Stiles stood up, everything seemed so much smaller. There was only one thing that seemed to fit his new size.

The throne looked the same as before however despite that it seemed... inviting.

Stiles stared at it for a couple of minutes before taking a deep breath inwards then outwards before slowly making his way towards it.

He stood in front of it before hesitantly turning around and lowering himself onto the throne.

He leaned backwards slightly, thankful that it was not uncomfortable in anyway, in fact it felt... right.

His body finally relaxed, accepting what was going on.

A soft pleasure filled groan fell from his lips. Now finally with no pain or no situations blocking his senses, he could feel it.

Feel how the power circled his body, filled his muscles and ignited every nerve.

It was impossible to describe.

It felt devine.

It was overpowering.

He felt...

He felt like a god.

Little bit carried away ha, anyway hope you enjoy! I thought I only had time to start like a paragraph of this chapter, turns out I had more time and I got quite into it so yeah, here is a new chapter. Unfortunantly I won't be able to update like this every day but I hope you enjoy anyway, have a great week and let me know what you think xx

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