Questionable Punishment

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The door opens slowly. The Mother and son hesitantly walk into the Throne room. Stiles awaits for them in his more normal human form, standing by the Throne. They know who he is immediately. He could focused some of his energy on to them and then only to his eyes but he could see small different colour threads, connecting to them, him and each other.

The threads where a light green. He wondered if all the subjects of the mind district had the same colour threads.

Just like the Lords and Ladies by looking at them he could figure out a lot of things about them.

Their threads of energy were both tiny and thin compared to the ones connected to the Ladies and Lords. Which he supposed made sense, they where regular citizens after all.

The women was the first to kneel then after a pointed look at her son, he as well hesitantly kneeled down.

Stiles watched them for a couple of seconds, deciding on the best course of action. What was the best way to deal with them? 

"Remind me, when the last Grand Master was alive, what was the punishment for looking into his eyes without permission?"

He let his power flow through his voice, making sure they knew what was at stake. 

The boy looked confused. Of course, Stiles thought, if the kid had known he'd never have done it but the mother seemed to shudder a little bit before she gasped out "Please forgive him Master. He didn't know, I promise you that-!" 

"I asked you a question, answer it

She hesitated then finally... 

"The... p-punishment for looking into the eyes of the G-Grand Master without his permission I-is... death"

He saw the boy stiffen next to his mother but then something strange happened, the small thread belong to the boy, connecting to Stiles, trembled, literally trembled. 

Stiles watched it fascinated for a few seconds, was this movement of the thread showing him the Childs emotions? If so, he knew exactly what the shaking thread meant. 

There where tears streaming down the mothers face as she choked out, lowering herself even more to the ground "M-master, p-please -"

He interrupted her, not wishing her suffering to last. 

"I take the fact he is only a child in consideration. Given that fact, I believe it would be suitable if you bare his burden instead. Would you be willing to be punished instead of him?"

He made sure his tone was very formal and polite despite their discussion. 

She breathed a huge sigh of relief and happiness. 

"Yes, Yes. You are forgiving Master.  I would gladly- !" 

"No! You can't!" 

"Be silent!" 


"Its best you follow your mothers wishes boy" Stiles said sharply. 

"I won't let her get killed over a stupid mistake I made!" Impressively the boy managed not to look Stiles directly in the eyes, it seemed he had learned, but that did not keep the emotions in his voice at bay, echoing across the room. 

Stiles chuckled and walked towards them then crouching down until he was the boys hight. 

"What's your name boy?"

The child hesitated but still growled out, now more angry than scared "Avel" 

"Avel, last time I checked that was the last Grand Masters punishment, not my own. I never told you what my punishment would be" 

For the first time since walking into the throne room, Stiles could feel hope slide into Avel's body, his eyes widening. 

Stiles smiled. 

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