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You woke up to the sound of your alarm. 6:30am "Ughhh... For fuck sake.." You groaned to yourself. You slammed your hand on your alarm to shut the damn thing off. You got up from your bed and stretched. You went downstairs as quietly as you can being careful not to wake up your dad and made breakfast. You decided to make some porridge with some coffee (If you don't like coffee just add your favourite drink). After you had finished you went back upstairs, into the bathroom and washed your face. You had a little case of acne but it wasn't bad. It felt like it to you thought and you was very insecure about it. 'God, I look hideous' you thought, cringing to the sight of your face. If you don't have acne, now you do you're welcome)

You then went back into your bedroom and saw your dog sprawled out on your bed (you have a golden retriever called Coco). You rolled your eyes and raided your wardrobe for your school uniform and got dressed. As you did, you hummed the tune to your f/s (favourite song). When you finished getting dressed from your night gown to your uniform you sat back in bed and picked up your phone. You scrolled through Instagram and Facebook for a while until you heard your dad waking up. You gulped hoping he wouldn't be in a mad mood today. You stayed put and continues scrolling through your phone tying to get your father out of your head. As if on que, he walked in. 'Fuck' you internally yelled. "Good morning" is all he simply said. "Morning" you replied. Faking a smile. You really didn't want to but you had no choice. "I won't be here when you get back from school tonight. I'm off to the pub with my friends" he said. 'Pft, he has friends?' You thought to yourself, hoping you didn't say it out loud. "While I'm gone, I want you to make sure this house is absolutely spotless. And I damn well mean it. If I come back and find a spot of dirt.." He paused for a moment, making you panicked. He tugged on his belt and gave a devilish smirk. "..you'll be punished" he finished and walked out. You let out a sigh of relief when he walked out. You then heard a notification pop up and it was the group chat with you, Cassidy and Emma.

[Cass 🌟💞]: Hey girls!!

[Emms 🙌🏻🦄]: Heya Cass

[Cass 🌟💞]: Where's Y/N??

[Emms 🙌🏻🦄]: probably still asleep?

[Your Username]: Heya

[Cass 🌟💞]: Oh hey Y/N! :D

[Emms 🙌🏻🦄]: Wakey Wakey eggs and bakkeeey 🍳

[Cass 🌟💞]: lmao what

[Your Username]: Ahaha, you off to school today?

[Emms 🙌🏻🦄]: yep

[Cass 🌟💞]: yep!

[Your Username]: good. I'll be leaving soon so I'll see you both at school!

And after you sent that message you shut your phone off and started to sort out your school bag. At 8:00am you eventually headed to school after saying goodbye to Coco.

Whilst walking to school, you bumped into someone. "Oh, hey Y/N!"

Oh no

It's your crush

"Oh, hey Taylor" You said to him, whilst blushing slightly. You gazed into his amazing blue eyes, they were so mesmerising. His brown, wavy hair was flipped to one side which made him look 10x more attractive than he was before. "Uh.. You okay?" He asked, waving his hand in front of your face. You snapped out of your day dream. "Yeah! I'm just um.. Thinking about things" you say. 'Good one' you think to yourself sarcastically. "Oh ok.. Do you wanna walk to school with me? I was supposed to be walking with Mia but she's in a mood with me.." He said scratching the back of his head. You hated that word, Mia. She is his girlfriend and is friends with the popular girls. You were super jealous but kept it to yourself. "Sure!" You flashed a smile, making him blush a little. You both then walked to school together.

You got into school and was greeted by Emma and Cassidy drowning you in a group hug. "I.. C-can't breathe.." You choked out. They laughed and let go. "Sorry, but we have some news to tell you!!!" Cassidy screeched. "-and... Why is he with you?" Emma said glaring at Taylor. "Oh uh.... He's just my friend" you said, blushing. "Oh my god he's that guy you said you had a cru-" you then immediately covered Cassidy's mouth and told her to shut up. Taylor gave you a look and blushed slightly. He then walked off. You sigh of relief. "I hate you" you say. Cassidy and Emma giggled. "Anyway what's the news?" You ask. "Oh yeah, Mia is having a leaving party at her house in two months!! She's invited the whole school!!" They both screeched which made you jump a little. You cringed at the name Mia. "Leaving party?" You ask. "Yeah! Haven't you heard that she's leaving soon?" Cassidy said in a 'obviously' kind of tone. You internally screamed from pure happiness. "Aw, that's sad" you say, trying not to sound sarcastic. "Will you be coming??" Emma asked. "Uhm..-"
"Please do!! It'll be great!" Cassidy said. You thought about it. You really didn't want to go to Mia's party but then again.. You've never been to one before and kinda sounds like fun. You accept. "Fiiine" you say, smiling. "Yay!" Cassidy and Emma screeched and gave you a hug. God why do they have to be so loud and clingy.

You then went to first class which was Maths, as normal. It felt like yeaaarrssss tho.. You really hated maths so all you did was doodle in your book and payed no attention to the lesson whats so ever. 'Pft, who needs maths anyway? Maths is for noobs' you thought to yourself, giggling a little. You suddenly felt a paper ball thrown at your head and heard laughing. You turned to see who it was and it was Mia and her two friends, Kacey and Jess. 'Ugh not again..' You thought. "Hey, loser!" Mia called out. You groaned and looked away. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" She then called out again. You ignored her still. You heard her growl and walk up to you. 'Shit' you panicked and tried to ignore her. You then felt a slap to the face. The teacher wasn't in the classroom so everyone gasped and looked over. You rubbed your cheek and got up to walk out but Mia pulled you back. "I saw you with Taylor this morning, stay away from him you slut!!" She yelled and pushed you. You tripped over someone's bag and everyone started to laugh. You was so embarrassed and ran out the class crying. You ran to the girls bathroom and sat on the floor with your head on your hands. "Why does everyone hate me??" You sobbed. You hated yourself. You hated your looks, your stupidity, your personality, your family, everything. You cried even more and heard someone walk in. You ignored it thinking it was just some random girl but the voice then said "hey.. You okay Y/N?" It was a males voice. You shot up and looked to see who was in the girls bathroom. It was this kid called Aaron who was in some of your classes. "Why are you in here??" You snapped. "Well.. I heard crying and I was curious so.." He said and kneeled down to you. "..I brought you something that might help you" he says and shows you a small grey tic tac like pill. (OOOOHHH SHIT-) You have him a strange look. "And how is a stupid tic tac gonna help me?" You say. "Trust me, it will help you" he says, with a weird tone in his voice. 'Is he saying that my breath smells and that's why everyone hates me?' you think to yourself. You gave Aaron a glare and took the pill. "You better not be lying to me" you say and went to eat it but he stopped you. "Wait! You'll need this" he said and handed you a bottle of Mountain Dew. You looked slightly puzzled but went with it. "Make sure to take it at home though. It has some.. Strange side affects" he says but you ignore him. You put the pill and the bottle in your bag and went to leave. "Wait- I didn't tell you!-" he tried to call out but you already walked out. Luckily it was the end of the lesson so you headed strait to break. You met up with Cassidy and Emma and hanged out till the end of break. The day went on as normal. And as in normal- I mean that everyone was still picking on you. Which was normal to you since you were 'used' to it.

I'm not gonna narrate the whole day cus it'll get boring so let's skip to when you get home.

When you arrive at home, you was hit by a breeze of alcohol and cigarette smoke. It was clearly your dad. He wasn't here though so you didn't have to worry about him. You dog then came running towards you and pounced on you. You laughed and cuddled her. "I missed you too girl" you cooed. You then went up to your room and sat on your bed, Coco followed. You turned on your tv and watched f/t/s (your favourite tv show) but then you remembered about that pill Aaron gave you. You didn't want to take it but... What if it did help you? 'Oh don't be stupid, it's only a tic tac' so you thought. You took the pill anyway and downed it with a chug of Mountain Dew.

You felt nothing

"Wow what a waste, I knew I shouldn't of trusted hi-"

OKAY so sorry this chapter is sooooo boring, I promise the next one will be better. I have BIG plans for this story and I'm honestly exited to write it

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