[7] Dugs🌿 Sex🔞 Tears💧

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I wake up, in a bed that I don't recognise. No ones here, not even Squip. My head was pounding. I had no idea what was going on. I sat up and looked around the room to see where I am, I then notice a bong and some weed socks. I roll my eyes and chuckle realising who's house I was at.

"Michael?" I called out. He then opened the bedroom door and smiled. "Ah, you're awake! How are you feeling?" He says, coming over and taking a seat on the bed next to me. I sigh. " I don't know...  I'm feeling so many emotions right now.." I say, Michael frowns and hugs me. We've been friends for a few years but were never really best friends. "Oh- by the way, your Squip is downstairs waiting for you. Shall I call him up?" Michael says, tilting his head. "Wait.. You know about him?"
"Yeah, Jeremy had one remember? He's told me everything about what's happened.. He was the one who carried you back from your house since you passed out. He didn't take you to Emma's since she hates you now and he didn't take you to Cassidy's house because it was too far so the only option was to bring you here. I said it was alright, of course, for you stay for a few days if you'd like" Michael says with a smile, I smile back. "How are you and Jeremy getting along anyway?" I ask. "Oh, we're doing fine! He's just in the basement. We've been together for over a year now" he says with a beaming smile. "Wow, I didn't realise it's been that long. I'm proud of you both! You look so cute together~" I giggle and squish his face making him blush and giggle too. "Oh hah hah, very funny y/n. Now, do you wanna come downstairs?" He asks, standing up and offering his hand to help me up. I take his hand and nod.

We both go downstairs and once Squip sees me, he runs up to me and hugs me tightly. "Y/n, you're okay!" He says. I smile and laugh lightly. "Yeah, I suppose. Thanks for helping me back there.." I shakily say, hugging him tighter. He sighs. "I'm sorry.. For screwing things up.." I don't know whether to accept his apology or not.. I still love him deeply inside but somethings telling me to not forgive him. I don't say anything and let go of the hug. He looks disappointed but doesn't say anything. After an awkward silence we hear running coming towards us. "Hey guys! Sorry, I was busy downstairs" Jeremy says coming up from the basement. "Oh, hey Jeremy" I say, smiling. He smiles back and looks over to Squip. He glares at him without saying a word. Squip glares at him back. "Ah, so uh how about we go and get stoned in my basement?" Michael intervenes Jeremy's and Squip's stare-off and laughs awkwardly. "I've already sorted out the stuff so sure!" Jeremy says, already rushing downstairs. "I-I've not done this before though.. Is it safe?" I ask. "If course! It does make you to a little loopy but that's the whole point~ It feels good" Michael says and heads downstairs. "I advise you to not go down their" Squip says pulling me back. "Why not? I'm sure it'll be fun. It's only a one off anyway" I say and head downstairs. Squip sighs and follows.

When I get downstairs I see Michael and Jeremy already making up joints. I sit on the floor next to them and Squip stays away. I dunno what his problem is. Oh well, I'm gonna have some fun. "Here" Michael says and hands me a joint, I reluctantly take it out of his hands and put it in my mouth. I could already taste the weed. I look over to see Squip rather uncomfortable but I ignore it and light the blunt. I inhale and taste the weed filling my lungs. "So, how is it?" Jeremy says. I pause. "Amazzinngg~" I giggle and smile like an idiot. "Wow, it's already kicking in for you. I guess it is your first time after all" Michael says. "Wait, what about your Squip?" Jeremy says. "It'll affect him too" I shrug and take another hit. "Oh boy" Michael mumbles under his breath, looking over to Jeremy who shakes his head.

Squip then comes and sits next to us, still rather uncomfortable. "Y/n... I really think you should stop. That isn't good for you, nor me" he says. I punch his arm in a playful way. "Oh cheer up! It's finnee. Stop being a big baby" I tease. He sighs and looks over to Michael and Jeremy, they just shrug.

Squip's POV
A little times passed and Michael and Jeremy was already making out with each other. Seems like they're high already. My head is starting to feel hazy too. I look over to y/n who is giggling over nothing so I tap her on the shoulder. "You okay?" I ask. She smirks and pushes me to the floor with her on top of me. Her hands are pushed against my chest and her face is close to mine. "Fuck me" She says. "W-what?" I ask with a slight laugh. "Fuck me! They're doing it so I want to do it" She points to Michael and Jeremy who are barely in anything now and touching each other up. I blush brightly but then get an idea. "Okay then" I say darkly and flip her over so I'm on top of her. She smirks and starts to undress me, so I do the same to her. In the blink of an eye, we we're both naked and kissing. Wow I did not expect this.  I kiss her neck while she lets out subtle moans. I then start to bite down gently causing her to moan even more.  Her moans go right through me making me shiver. I like it. "Quit teasing and just fuck me already!" She whines. I smirk and chuckle deeply. "You gotta beg for it first kitten~" I purr. She pouts. "Please.."
"...please daddy?"
"I can't hear you~"
"Ugh fuck me daddy please!" She whines. I get a burst of energy and thrust into her full force causing her to let out a loud moan. She grips onto my sides digging her nails into me with each thrust.

Michael's POV
I let go of the kiss to catch my breath. I look down to Jeremy who's a blushing mess. "Do you hear that?" Jeremy breathes out. I raise an eyebrow until I suddenly hear moaning. Me and Jeremy turn our heads so see Squip fucking y/n?! "NOT ON MY WATCH" I yell and get up. I run over and samurai kick Squip off of y/n. "Michael!" Y/n yells. "You are NOT fucking in MY house!" I say, glaring at Squip. He's on the floor groaning in pain, clutching his stomach. Jeremy is just laughing his high ass off. "But you two were fucking!"
"T-that's different! It's my house" I say, blushing. "Touch y/n again I'll rip your dick off" I growl, glaring at Squip. He raised a thumb, still in pain. I look over to Jeremy who is now on the floor in tears from laughing too much. "What?!" I say, laughing slightly. "I-I-" he bursts into a fit of laughter again. I start to laugh too from his immaturity. Minutes passed when eventually Jeremy throws up on the floor.
"That's enough drugs, sex and laughter for today" I say, carrying Jeremy over my shoulders. We all head back upstairs and into the living room. "I told you this was a bad idea" Squip says.

OKAY PUT YOUR PITCHFORKS DOWN AND LET ME EXPLAIN. I'm sorry for not updating in a while, I just couldn't be bothered? I didn't really know what to write either. I was kinda messing around with this chapter so sorry for the stupidity lmao. I promise the next chapter will be better


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