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As soon as Asami and Jackson reached the last step Jackson set off on his own mission, from what it looked like to Asami. To get a whore for the night.

Asami pushed away the feeling of dread and strolled across the dimly lit room, music played shaking her to the core and whenever a flash of light would hit her dress it sparkled uncontrollably. She also noticed the whores giving her a wide berth as she maneuvered the sea of people. They didn't even look at her. Then men gathered in the room on the other hand. They definitely looked. Their eyes praying on her form and whatever skin was showing. Once she reached the kitchen she had seen no one familiar to her. At least people she could put a name too. She poured herself some of whatever was in the large bowl and sipped at it.

It was some alcohol mix, it was bitter, but not awful.

"Wow, you look beautiful." She heard hot breath on her ear, she turned to Wonho. He backed up a step, "Shownu might be angry you look this good. Every gang member on that floor almost threw away their whores to get to you." He sweeps his arm out motioning to the sea of men and women. Men continued to eye you while the women glared.

"Asami!" Shownu walks up, "People are asking about you. Wonho, why did you let her out looking like that?"

"Excuse me?" Asami hisses "I can take care of myself, the gun holstered to my thigh says so." She snarls walking away.

Asami mingles a little, but soon she is hot and uncomfortable. She retreats outside onto the patio. The cool air kisses her hot skin, "So hot in there..." she murmurs to herself

"I agree." Asami jumps and faces a man with dark brown hair, "I'm Jungkook."

"Asami." She replies, "You know Jungkook, it's rude to eavesdrop."

"Maybe You should look before you speak." He shrugs, "Your Shownu's cousin, our priority to protect right now."

"I can protect myself little boy." Asami smirks taking a few steps toward him she catches his hand in hers and presses it against the handgun and holster beneath her dress.

"It seems you can." He smirks, "We all knew about you before Shownu mentioned you. The little Yakuza Princess that can protect herself. It's unheard of."

"I suppose I broke the chain." Asami steps back again, "I'll see you around Jungkook." She winks and enters the house again. Almost everyone was doing some sort of drug, cocaine and marijuana seemed to be the most abundant.

Asami finally found a spot on a couch, she observed people as they passed. Though when delicate fingers tapped her shoulder she turned slightly. A woman who Asami presumed was a whore glared at her, "You need to move sweetie, my man and I need a spot. You lack a man."

"I don't need a man." Asami sneers, "I'm not some common whore like you."

"Oh? Then what makes you so special." She spits.

"I'm Asami. Shownu's cousin. I do what I please, when I please." She growls and the girls face pales

"I-I'm so sorry!" She scurries away pulling the man after her.

Asami sighs, she should have gotten that girls name.... For later punishment. "You seem to be enjoying yourself." Another woman says sarcastically from next to her.

"Oh of course I am, how can I not enjoy this-" Asami motions to the men and women surrounding them so close to fucking, "elegant party."

"Your Asami right?" She asks, Asami nods  looking over the woman she wasn't like the other whores. Too good of taste to be anything like them. "I'm Suyun. Shownu's girl."

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