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A loud whirring alarm woke Asami, she jolted up and pushed herself out of bed she stumbled across the room to pull a pair of jeans on, her fingers wrapped around her handgun as she tucked it into the small of her back and then took her second one in her hands. Her father had a similar alarm, mostly for when rival gangs attacked.

Asami pushes her door open and almost slams into Wonho, his hair is still messed up from sleep. The alarm still pierces her ears as he yells over it.

"It's NCT!" He howls, she could hear screams and fighting downstairs. Bullets bounced off her bulletproof glass. She didn't waste a second, she ran toward the stairs and made her way down them. As she went a man rounded the corner, he raised his gun and shot at her. Asami pushed his arm up and as the gun sounded a loud ringing hit her ears. She pressed the barrel of her own gun into his gut and shot him. He rolled back down the steps.

Asami vaulted over the last flight and rolled down next to Taehyung, his eyes were wild as he pressed his hands into a gunshot wound in his thigh. Asami tore a piece of her shirt away and tied as tightly as she could above the wound. She took a plush pillow and used the adrenaline rushing through her system to stuff it into the bullet hole. He screamed as she did so, and bullets whizzed over their heads. NCT had more men than Shownu. It was such a personal attack that didn't make sense to Asami, but she didn't have time to stop and ask questions.

She peered up and over the couch she had tucked herself behind she saw the sheer amount of NCT men. She shot a few of them, but they quickly outnumbered Shownu and his men. A loud yell stopped the gunfire. Asami peeked over the couch, Shownu had his hands raised as he faced the leader of NCT.

"Where's Asami?" He snarls, Asami looked down and Taehyung and he shook his head.

"Don't go." He whispers, "they'll kill you."

"I'm going." Asami tucked the second gun next to the first, she slowly stood and faced down the man.

"Ah, there." He smiles, he pistol whips Shownu and steps over a few corpses to Asami.

"We've been looking for you." He says, he stops a respectful distance away from her and bows.

"So honorable, for someone that stormed into my current home and hurt my friends to find me." Asami scanned the room, she saw Jungkook and Jackson, Jackson pressed his hands into a bullet hole in Jungkook's side. Wonho faced down another large man of NCT but was unharmed.

"I think of myself as an honorable killer." He shrugs, "I'm Jaehyun."

"Asami. As you know already." She glares at him.

"You know, my boss will be pleased, you are quite impressive. I saw what you did on the stairway down." Jaehyun smiles, his angelic smile held a predatory look that Asami couldn't have imagined. He was literally the devil in disguise.

"You think I'm going with you?" She scoffs, she snaps a few times and the doctors that were waiting on the side out of the fire rush out to treat those of Shownu's group. "You are sorely mistaken."

Jaehyun's face twists and he draws his gun pointing it at the doctor who treats Jungkook. Asami draws her own almost simultaneously, she lets the barrel rest millimeters from his head.

"Don't make any sudden moves, I'll blow your head off." She snarls, "I don't trust you."

"I don't expect you too, but Asami." He clicks his tongue, as if he was an adult scolding the small child. "You know if you don't come, everyone here will die." His fun shifts pointing to Shownu, "starting with him."

Asami grits her teeth, "Fine, but let me make sure everyone here is okay."

Jaehyun lowers his gun and nods, "I'm not without manners, of course." Asami walks away tucking her gun away, one of NCT's men stop her and holds his hand out.

"Your gun." He says, Asami reluctantly hands it over and then vaults over the couch again, the second handgun still pressed flush against her back. She went to Taehyung who still groaned over his bullet wound. She took the pillow and waved a nurse over. She set a first aid kit down next to Asami and was waved away. She went to work cleaning the wound, but Jaehyun tapped his foot impatiently.

"I'm coming, just wait." She snaps and helps Taehyung up to sit on a chair, Wonho took over taking care of Taehyung. Asami went over to Jungkook and he pulled her close, his side wrapped up and fixed already. He pressed his lips to hers and then pressed one of his fingers behind her ear. She felt a small tracking device as he pulled away.

"I'll be back, love." I murmur, the lie slipping past my lips so easily. He nods softly and I walk over to Jaehyun.

"Let's go, but first. Your other gun." He holds a slender hand out and I sigh heavily handing him my second handgun. He takes it empties the chamber and then tosses it toward the side.

We leave Shownu's estate, I'm blindfolded as we drive. It feels like hours later the blindfold is finally pulled away from my face. I see two men standing side by side. I'm sat in a plush comfortable chair.

"Ah, Asami." The red haired one says, "I am Lee Taeyong, and this is my.... friend Mark Lee."

"I've heard of you two." I lace my hands together, they don't bother tying my hands together as they and I know I'd only be stupid to try something now.

"Who hasn't, we rule Seoul." Taeyong grins, he snaps his fingers and a few women give me a drink and then place a platter of food on the end table near me.

"Or do you?" I sneer, "there's always someone more powerful than you, more important. They're just better at keeping it a secret."

"Now why would they keep it a secret?" Mark says, he's pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning against and moves to kneel before me.

"In Japan shows of power signal that the leader is terrified of his enemies and try to scare them with killings, raids and other things. Yet the most powerful don't need those assurances, they know in their minds that at the snap of their fingers they could decimate those weaker individuals. Yet they don't. Do you know why that is?" I ask, Mark shrugs.

"Enlighten me."

"The world must run smoothly below them, and taking out crucial parts. Like those that need to show their in violent, loud acts to the world it attracts the attention of the police therefore letting the more powerful and smart do whatever the hell they want." I smirk and Mark laughs, "Here, things don't work like that."

"Here, we can do whatever we please because we own the city. So the police don't matter or affect us. Shownu for all his power was still beat by us, now we can ransom you, get some extra pocket cash and then send you back. It's only business sweetheart." Mark says softly and then straightens himself. "Nice try, but we're not nearly as honorable as your father. Or you for that fact."

I grit my teeth, I was trying to unsettle them but my ruse only amused them. The only man that shifted uncomfortably was a younger one, he chewed his lip as his black hair fluttered over his eyes. Taeyong murmured something to mark and then everyone but the young one left.

"Aw what's wrong sweetie?" I murmur focusing on him, he freezes and looks at me.

"Nothing." He coughs.

"Do I make you uncomfortable?" I ask, I stand up and saunter to him. He stiffens as I run a finger along his jaw. "Or are you not ready for this life, are you ready to ransom girls and women. Have them sell themselves to keep your paycheck high? Are you ready to murder people?" He shifts and looks past me. I pout and cross my arms.

"No fun, I bet you do this not because you want too. But because you have too. Sick family member? Drug addled sister? Brother even? I don't know, but the longer I stay the more I'll find out. Be careful." I wink, I would learn more about NCT and ultimately tell Shownu, I'd be the inside agent he could never get here. Maybe, just maybe this capture wasn't so bad after all. They hadn't killed me yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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