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"Why are you doing this? I thought I fixed it!" I screamed desperate for him to change his mind, to come back to me; be the man I know and love.

"You couldn't fix it if you tried! You are a whore and nothing more; get out of my sight!" He shouted back, taking a threatening step towards me, his eyes dark and menacing, holding a promise; a promise of pain. I watched in fear as he removed his hands from the pockets of his jeans, both fisted tightly; I knew this face, this face was the one he used when his best friend betrayed him. This face was one I never wished to have directed at me.

"I didn't do anything I swear, please don't do this, I love you," I try pleading, this cannot be happening, he has to know I would never do something so hurtful; I love him he has to see that I love him. Slowly I raise my hands, grasping his, trying my hardest to calm him down, stop this before it is too late.

"Stop lying! I've had enough of your bullshit!" Yanking his hands out of mine, he took another step towards me, there was a breath of air between us, I looked into his eyes, eyes that once held so much love and adoration; now look menacing, "I want you out! Out of my house, out of my life, just get the fuck out!"

I don't understand... what did I do? I did nothing wrong! I was about to open my mouth and beg for him to just calm down and let me explain, I part my lips, the words on my tongue. But I never got the chance, clearly my reaction was not fast enough for him, before I knew it I felt the pain in my abdomen; he punched me. He punched me and I fell. My head bounced off the kitchen tiles painfully, the last thing I saw was his back as he turned and walked away. My love, my life, just left me on the floor without a care as to whether or not I was OK.


I open my eyes to a dark room, he didn't move me, I can't hear him anywhere in the house. What happened? Everything was looking good, we had our own house... I thought we were doing amazing. So what happened?

Carefully I sit myself up, using the corner cupboards for support, the world starts to spin and I close my eyes. I can feel the tears coming, I know that there is no stopping them, I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces as I sit in the corner and weep. I weep for all that I have lost, for what will never happen, and for that one stupid misunderstanding. One little thing that has successfully destroyed my life.

I don't know how long I cried, but once I felt my tears drying I decided that I needed to leave, to grab as much as I could and just go. I couldn't handle staying in this house, and clearly he doesn't want to be around me. With a sigh I pick myself up off the ground, pausing when I begin to sway, bracing myself on the counter top to stay upright. Slowly I made my way to the bedroom, reaching under the bed I found my travel suitcase, placing it on my bed I started throwing things in; clothes, shoes, toiletries. As I was putting int my phone charger, I thought of something; where am I going to go?

Abandoning my half open suitcase on the bed I reach for my phone on the bedside table and start to look through my contacts; see who would be able to help. As I read their name I know that they will understand and be able to help me, my finger hovers over the call button, the anticipation making my hands shake. What if they say no? Will I have to try everyone in my small list? Taking a deep calming breath I push the button and raise the phone to my ear. It rings four times and just when I think the call will end I hear something that brings tears to my eyes and makes my lips quiver.


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