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Ever since I made that call three months ago I have been living on my best friends couch. I haven't seen nor heard from him since he left me alone on the floor unconscious... does he really care that little about me?

"Hey Kat, we are thinking about going down to the clubs, do you wanna join?" Clair asked me as her Leah entered the lounge room, breaking me from my thoughts. Both wearing black skinny jeans, kick ass heels and shirts that looked like bras. I envied their confidence.

"Thanks but I might just stay in tonight, got that appointment early  tomorrow morning before work," I replied as I re-arrange the couch cushions, a nervous habit I have developed over the years, to re-arrange everything constantly until it looks perfect.

"Hun," Leah started as she approached me and gently removed the pillow I was holding in my hands, "I think you need to come out. It isn't good being holed up for this long. You've barely left the house since arriving two months ago. I don't know what happened and you know we won't press, but just for tonight come out?" Her blue eyes were glossy as she stared at me.

I never explained why I showed up on their doorstep in the middle of the night with bruises covering my body, and they never asked. To be honest I still don't know where the rest of the bruising came from, I remember when he hit me, but nothing else. I still wonder to this day what exactly he did to me...

Leah is right though, I haven't left the house since, too afraid of what might happen if I left. One night couldn't hurt right? Though there is one problem...

"But I have nothing to wear, and I wouldn't fit anything you guys own." Being a bigger girl made times like these difficult I swear.

Leah and Clair both looked triumphant as they looked at one and another, it baffled me. Then both girls grabbed a hand each and led me into Clair's room. Upon entering I saw an outfit laying on the bed; it was a pair of high-wasted jeans matched with a blood red long sleeved bodysuit. The bodysuit had a plunging neckline with a lace tie-up, so I could control how much cleavage is on display.

"Figured one of these days you would say yes, so we planned ahead. I mean you can't hide forever. Shoes are in the wardrobe." Clair said as she saw my reaction. I was gobsmacked, to think that these two went out of their way to cheer me up with something beautiful in order to get me out of my rut. I spun around and engulfed them in a group hug, my eyes started to water but I didn't care. What did I ever do in my life to get such amazing friends?

"How can I ever repay you for all this?" I asked as I pulled away, discretely rubbing my eyes with the sleeve of my old jumper.

"Easy, by going out and having some fun tonight!" Leah told me, as she gently nudged me in the direction of the clothes, "we leave in 20," was the last thing I heard as they shut the door behind them.

I decided to take a quick shower before going out, as I have yet to have one today, turning on the hot faucet, I undress placing all my clothes in a pile by the door. Stepping under the water I gave myself a wash with the lavender soap, as I inhaled the lavender sent I felt my body start to relax. Closing my eyes I let myself imagine a life where I never met him, I wonder where I would be now? Would I of finished high school? Would I have an actual career? 

Sighing I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body. Quickly towel drying myself I went back into the bedroom and threw the outfit on; The bodysuit hugged my body, showing my rolls and muffin top; it made me quiet self conscious. One I put the high wasted jeans however, I felt sexy, they hid my fat and sat just under my belly button, they hugged my ass and felt amazing. I quickly put my hair up in a waterfall ponytail and went to the wardrobe for the shoes. 

Taking a deep breath I prepared myself, turning the handle I opened the door to find an empty hallway... where did they go? Walking back through to the lounge room I saw both girls laying on the couch with two empty beer bottles on the coffee table. They didn't notice my entrance so I cleared my throat waiting, I was not prepared for what happened next...

"Damn girl! You are smokin'," Clair said while Leah wolf whistled at me. I felt my cheeks heat the classic telltale signs of a blush. 

"Yeah, yeah," I replied trying to be nonchalant about the situation when really I am a nervous wreck. I haven't been out since my eighteenth birthday four months ago! My nerves are all over the place right now, I pulled the sleeves over my hands and fiddled with them; another nervous habit of mine. 

"Can we go now?" I asked looking at the floor.

"Yeah let's go!" Leah exclaimed as she jumped off the couch linking arms with both Clair and I. 

Once we arrived to the club we made a beeline straight for the bar, the girls wanted me to and I quote; 'be young and stupid,' which included getting as drunk as possible as quickly as possible. I barely even had time to look around the club before nine shot glasses were put in front of us.

"Tequila shots for the lovely ladies," the bartender said with a wink in our direction; probably at Clair and Leah, who smiled back flirtatiously at him before he went on to serving other customers.

"To being young and stupid?" I tried toasting as we all picked up a shot each.

"To being young and stupid," the girls chorused before we clinked glasses.

As soon as I downed the third shot I was gone, not having had any alcohol lately had certainly made me into a lightweight because truth be told? That was the last thing I remember of the night.

Hey guys, am just wondering what you are thinking about the book so far? Any ideas on where the story will go next?

Am interested to know your thoughts :)

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