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As I walked along the mall strip, I kept looking in windows; unfortunately I didn't have enough money for anything here. I could feel eyes on me as I walked, my backpack resting heavily on my shoulders, a lovely reminder of all the homework I have yet to start. Window shopping while I waited, I mean it beats sitting at one of the tables by myself. Walking back down the strip for the third time, I was beginning to feel antsy, I have been waiting over an hour now. Where could he be?

"Katherine," he called from behind, I spun around and was face to face with him. Smiling I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoes to give him a hello kiss and cuddle.

"I've missed you so much babe. School was so boring, and I have a tonne of homework to complete before tomorrow. I mean it's like teachers don't understand we have a life outside of school!" I loosened my grip from around his neck, just enough so that I could look him in the eyes.

"How was your day babe? I haven't heard from you for a bit?" I asked eager to know what he had gotten up to while away with his family, they left three days ago and today is the only time he has contacted me in order to meet up for a date, other than his quick goodbye text while on the road to let me know.

"Nothing much happened. Just met up with the family. I missed you though, let me show you how much," he said as his hands slipped under my shirt, his thumbs rubbing circles on my exposed skin.

"You wanna get out of here?" He asked nipping my neck ever so slightly, making my knees go weak. Not trusting my voice I began to nod my head frantically, removing myself from his grip I began walking out to the car park.

"Hold on a minute, I need to get something first, come with me?" He grabbed my hand and started leading me towards the 'Smokemart', sighing I let him lead me through the store to the front counter.

"Katherine," I felt him nudge my shoulder, I must have zoned out, too wrapped up in my own thoughts.

"Uhm yeah babe?" I asked looking up at him, his lips were in a thin line, he must of been trying to grab my attention for some time.

"My card declined, are you able to cover them? I can pay you back Monday," I saw the man behind the counter look at him strangely, yet I payed no mind.

"Yeah sure babe, how much?" Smiling at the man behind the counter I handed him the correct amount after he told me.

I felt his arm wrap around my waist as I continued the money exchange with the cashier, his fingers digging in slightly. So I turn in his arms and give him a quick peck on the lips. Once his smokes were in his possession we left, he kept his arm securely around my waist. Keeping me close.

"Sorry, something has come up," he told me after checking his phone. He looked down at me and pulled me into his arms giving me a big kiss; his hands tracing patterns under my top. Then all too soon he was walking away from me, going to deal with whatever had suddenly come up.

Sighing I adjusted my backpack then began the long walk home.

I woke with a start, my alarm blaring, reaching for my phone I silenced the alarm and rolled off the couch. Time to start the day I suppose, though last nights dream has plummeted my mood for sure. Over the past two months I have been having more and more dreams about him, about how we were; we were happy. So what happened?

After I showed and dressed, I downed a bottle of orange juice and painkillers, then walked out the door. 

Waiting for my name to be called in the doctors office was really boring, they had some reality TV show playing on the TV but the sound and pictures weren't matching so I decide not to watch; I can't stand things playing out of time.

"Katherine Murry," an elderly doctor called out, she had a kind smile as I walked up to her. She then turned and led me down to a room with 'Dr Elizabeth' on the door.

"So what seems to be the problem then?" Her thick Scottish accent stood out as she spoke. I just looked at her for a minute before my brain caught up.

"Ok well, uhm... long story short? I have recently been through a bad breakup I guess? And since then I have been feeling really down, my stomach is constantly doing flips and I feel like I am going to vomit. I have been having some dark thoughts. My mind is just all over the place, I am getting very emotional over nothing and fretting over everything. Uh, I had some dizzy spills early on, and I am not exactly sure what it is, but I have this pain down near my pelvis, it's like there's this pressure or something." Looking at the doctor I saw her typing away furiously on her computer, trying to keep up with what I was saying I presume. When she finished she looked up at me.

"Ok, first things first; I am going to need you to pee into this cup so that we can determine if you have a UTI. After that I am going to get you to lie up on the table while I have a feel of your abdomen. Does that sound Ok?"

Nodding I grabbed the pee cup from her and went to do my business.

After peeing I return to the room, Dr Elizabeth closes the door, puts a atick into my pee amd lets it sit there while I hop up on the table.

After my abdomen has been checked I hop off the bench and sit back down in the chair to await my news. Dr Elizabeth retrieves the stick from my pee then compares it to a number of charts,once she is satisfied she sits back at her desk and turns to me.

"I have some good news and some bad news. You don't have any UTI's which is a good sign however you will need to have an ultrasound done of your abdomen for two reasons; one it feels like you might of pulled a muscle in your pelvis which would explain the pain, secondly; your pee test came up positive for pregnancy."

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