PROMPT: "She added a charm to her bracelet for every life that she took."

   Okay lets get this party started ;)


   The city was quiet and empty on a cold November night. The moon was barely visible through the smog and clouds that hung in the sky. The musky smell of rotting garbage rose from the alleyways all around town. It was enough to make anyone gag. 

   On a high rooftop in the center of the city a woman lay flat on her stomach, peering over the edge of the building. She was dressed in an all black jumpsuit and her dark hair was tied back in a tight ponytail. In her hands she held a sniper rifle aimed at a nearby window. Through the scope she could see the head of a fine looking man who sat at the dinner table with his family. 

   The man looked like he was laughing at a joke one of his kids had told. His wife could be seen smiling next to him. They all seemed to be having a good evening, but not for much longer.

   If the woman had a heart she might have considered sparing the man but these were her orders and she would obey them. 

   She checked the wind speed and distance between where she sat and her target multiple times, no doubt stalling at least for a moment, giving the man a few more seconds of his happy life. Before settling down once again and aiming. Through her scope she found the man's head once again. At least his death would be quick and painless. In her head she counted down. 


She breathed in




She breathed out, focusing her mind on one thing...Kill.


   The shot was quiet but its effect was still spectacular. She watched through her scope as the man sprawled onto the floor. His death was instant. She watched as his wife rushed to his side and the children screamed in horror. One of the children called an ambulance but they all knew it was too late. 

   The assailant smiled. Pleased with her handy work. She pulled from her pocket a small charm. It was silver with a blue symbol in the center. She pulled a bracelet off of her wrist that was filled with similar charms, some with pink symbols instead of blue. She added this new charm to her already filled bracelet and returned to her shooting position. Her mission was not yet complete. 

   She once again looked at the man sprawled on the floor, his wife cradling him in her arms as tears strewn down her face. The children stood paralyzed. 

   She quickly aimed for the wife's head and shot. She couldn't risk her target getting up and leaving now could she? The wife slumped over her husband and the children screamed once again in horror. One child, obviously the elder, grabbed the others hand and dragged her from the room. A few moments later sirens could be heard in the distance.

   The woman pulled a second charm from her pocket. One with a pink symbol. She once again removed her bracelet and added the charm. She examined the pretty thing and smiled. There were maybe twenty or thirty beautiful charms hanging on her wrist. 

   It just goes to show...

   Death is a beautiful thing...


   Wow! that was a little more intense than I had anticipated XD I hope you guys liked it though because it was quite interesting to write. I think I'm going to have fun with these quick little short stories. 

   If you have any suggestions or little writing prompts like this one leave them in the comment section and I'll pick my favorite ones to write. :)

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