PROMPT: "Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge." "Can I Pick?"

WARNING: 10+ mild suggestive themes. (Nothing bad happens but I feel obligated to say this)


   Hi my name is Anna, Anna Simon. I am 24 and have never been on a date in my life. I know that sounds kinda crazy but it's true. I've never really had the time nor the want to go out on a date. They just seemed stupid to me. But I digress. A friend of mine found this guy that she though I might like and had set me up on a blind date with him, completely without my knowledge of course. I'm about to tell you about that date. It was, well, rather interesting.  

   It was mid winter and a mere 40 degrees outside but my date was in a park in the center of town. Isn't it a good thing that I love cold weather. (I say with as much sarcasm as is humanly possible) Anyways I was walking around the deserted park looking for him and I thought I saw him sitting on a bench under a gazebo. I hoped it was him because I was about to look really stupid if it wasn't.

   "Hey," I said, sitting down next to guy, "are you Sam?" 

   The guy seemed to look a bit confused at first, which was a bit weird, but finally replied.

   "Uh, yeah. And you are?" 

   "Anna, Anna Simon. You know? The girl you were supposed to meet here for our date."

   He stares at me blankly for a second, "Oh, oh yeah, Anna. Yeah I remember now. Yeah..."

   "Well..." I trailed off, not really sure what to say, "what does one tend to do on a date. I'm going to be completely honest here. I've never actually been on one."

   Sam stifled a laugh, "You're telling me you've never been on a date ever in your life? Not one?" 

   "Yes. Do you think that's funny?" 

   "Yeah kinda. It's rare for anyone over the age of fifteen to not have gone on at least one date in their lives nowadays." Sam stood up and began to walk, urging me to follow. 

   "Where are we going?" I asked, standing and falling into stride with him. 

   "There's this little cafe just down the street that makes some killer hot coco. It's cold so I figured you'd want some," he said quietly.

   "That sounds nice." I couldn't help but look at his face. 

   He had cute little dimples and little black curls on top of his head. He had a tiny bit of stubble on his chin, as though he had forgotten to shave that morning. His eyes were a dark chocolate brown and his eyelashes were really thick for a man. 

   I had been admiring his features for so long that apparently I didn't notice that we had arrived at our destination. 

   "Uh hello?" he waved a hand in front of my blank face. "Earth to Anna." 

   "Oh, uh sorry. You were saying?" my cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink. 

   "I wasn't saying anything. I was just watching you stare at me like a weirdo." He grinned. "Am I that good looking?" 

   "Shut Up!" I slapped him on the shoulder

   "Well seriously," He quipped, "I really must be quite cute to hold your attention for so long." 

   "Can we just get our hot coco please?" I asked, getting a little annoyed. 

   "Yeah sure," he replied, chuckling under his breath. 

   We got our hot chocolate and went for a walk around the park. He seemed like a nice guy and, I must admit, was actually pretty cute. We walked around, enjoying each other's company. I was surprised he managed to stand me for as long as he did because I consider myself a rather sarcastic person. Not the kind of person that most people enjoy hanging out with.

   "So how do know Jessie?" I asked him after awhile of talking about random nonsense.

   "Jessie? Who's Jessie?" He seemed confused. 

   "You know Jessie. She's the girl who set us up tonight," I replied, getting a little suspicious. 

   We walked for a minute in silence before I thought of something.

   "What is your last name?"

   He hesitated. I knew something was wrong.

   "Uh," He stuttered, "I...Uh..."

   "You weren't my date were you? You were lying to me this whole time," I said, more to myself then to him. When he didn't say anything I kinda freaked out. "You weren't my date! What the heck man! How could you just lead me on like that. Seriously you have to be some kind of crazy to pull a stunt like this." I threw my arms in the air and puffed myself up to look as big and scary as possible. Of course that was a little difficult seeing as I am only 5,1 but I certainly tried. "Is your name even Sam?"

   "Yes my name is Sam. Sam Halley," he stepped away from me. Ha! I did scare him a little, but just let me expla..."

   "So you saw me and just decided, 'Hey this girl looks pretty. Let's just take advantage of her ignorance and hang out with her all night. Maybe get something else out of her later.' Didn't you stop to think about the Sam I actually had a date with? I bet he is just sitting somewhere by himself or has already gone home. Probably the second one because that's more logical but you get my point."

   "Well no, I didn't really think about that but we've had fun haven't we?" Sam stepped closer to me, too close. "I think you're pretty awesome and from the way you've been looking at me I think you think I'm pretty awesome to."

   Pretty awesome? that was a cheesy line if I ever saw one. What is this? A short crappy wattpad story or something? Who does this guy think he is?

   Sam was right up against me now. His hand slid behind my back and pulled me softly towards to him.

   "Hey what are you doing?" I said angrily, trying to shove him away. 

   As I tried to push him away I looked up at his face. God his eyes were beautiful. We did have a lot of fun that night I had to admit. Probably more fun than I would have had with the other Sam. No! I had to stay strong! He used me! But his eyes were so pretty and he is so cute...Stop it Anna! Get yourself together! 

   "Anna?" Sam's voice broke through my thoughts. 

   I came back to reality and found his face was really close to mine, in a towering high up in the clouds sort of way. I couldn't help but smile.

   "Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge," I almost whispered, my head dropping unto his chest. 

   He lifted my chin to face him again, "Can I pick?" 

   He leaned down and...

   Yeah stuff happened. It was amazing. I will say, though, that it was well worth waiting 24 years for that moment. It was all the more special when it came.


   Yay! cheesy romance stuff :D I told myself I would never write romance and there is a reason for that XD This is complete crap I'm sure. I've always disliked reading plain old romance novels or stories. I like a good romance in a plot that has it's main focus on other things but I cannot stand just plain old romance and nothing else. This was an odd experience for me but I think it was good. It got me out of my comfort zone and challenged me as a writer. 

   I hope you all enjoyed it and I'll see you next time with another Random One Shot of a Dorky Writer. ^-^

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