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"Last night, there was reports of a supposed UFO crash 2 miles from the Dole factory." The reporter said with fake interest. He continued to read off the monitor for a couple more seconds before Marvin grabbed the remote and changed the channel.

"That's more like it." He said quietly to himself as Die Hard began to play. Marvin was sitting at the dining table, his seat facing the television in the living room. He brushed his curly, brown locks out of his blue eyes and ate a spoonful of Cheerios.

A short while later, the skinny fifteen year old drank the rest of his milk from the bowl and placed into the kitchen sink. He walked to the front door, slipped on his coat, grabbed his backpack and put on his shoes. "Bye, mom and dad!" Marvin called out and opened the door.

Marvin was hit by a blast of chilly air and he zipped his black jacket in response. He placed ear buds in his ears and turned the volume all the way up as classic rock played. The sophomore mindlessly walked for a couple of blocks when he was suddenly pushed on the ground.

Right on schedule, he thought to himself.

Roger Mayfield, Marvin's usual bully, towered over him wearing a yellow smile. "Get up, punk!" He barked, his breath nearly made his victim gag.

Roger wrapped his sausage like fingers around the fabric of Marvin's jacket and pulled him off the ground with an immense force.

"Can we not do this today?" Marvin pleaded, attempting to pry Roger's fingers off of him.

"But it's Monday! I haven't had a time to beat you up in 3 days!" Roger said with an evil grin.

"Two days actually," Marvin corrected, which he immediately regretted.

Roger snarled and brought a strong fist to Marvin's nose. Blood was streaming like a faucet. He threw the lower classmen on the concrete and walked away howling with laughter.

With blood pouring out of his nose and tears flowing out of his eyes, Marvin tiredly pushed himself off the ground and trudged his way to school.

This was just an average morning for Marvin Heckelburg. And afternoon.

Basically, a repeat of what happened this morning happened when he was walking home. Just minus the bloody nose.

He angrily pushed open the door and stomped his way to his bedroom where he collapsed onto his bed. Marvin whispered, not expecting it to mean anything. "Please, give me something to help with the bullies. Anything."

This is where our story starts.

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