Chapter 3

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Justin woke up as the first sentence was spoken by the men outside the room. He wasn't the only one with his heart beating out of his chest.

They began to border up the room, pushing couches and night stands to block the door.

"15 seconds!" The men said.

"Everyone, touch my shoulders," Joeliath commanded. The kids complied, each placing a hand on the alien's shoulder. Like he has done a million times, Joeliath placed two fingers on his forehead. "Lanuae Magicae."

In the blink of an eye they were standing in an empty field. To their right, a house stood nearly 200 yards away. It was weathered and clearly abandoned.

The fugitives began the walk to the house. "Are you all okay?" Joeliath asked, stepping over a rock.

He received as chorus of 'Yes' in response. Eventually, they reached their destination. The wood squeaked as they walked on the porch. Joeliath attempted to open the door only to find it was locked. He placed two fingers on it. "Patefio."

It swung open and the stench hit them like a wall. Joeliath stepped in first and his foot broke through the floorboard. After bringing it out of the ground he brought two fingers on the wall. "Restituere."

It was truly and experience. A shimmer of gold swam through each floor, wall and crevice until the home was restored to its original glory.

The floor was sturdy and polished with a look that screamed it was new. Not a single bit of dust or anything that showed the house was old was left. Even the paint looked like it was put up that day. Each piece of furniture was their, looking brand new like every inch of the house.

"Holy crap, Joel," Justin said, knocking on the doors as if to test how strong they were. "Not bad. You really know how to clean up."

Joeliath was scanning the structure with nostalgia burrowed in his eyes. When no one was paying attention, he placed a picture that was hanging on the wall under the couch that was no longer moth-bitten as it was before.

Patricia threw herself on the plush furniture. "Where did you find this place, Joel?"

"I mentally scanned for isolated houses. This was the first one to show up." He answered, hiding another picture when it was clear.

"Well, it's pretty darn nice," Marvin walked over to the staircase. "I'm gonna go check up stairs."

"I will join you," Joeliath walked quickly, brushing past Marvin on the stairs.

They reached the top of the stairs and Joeliath already had hidden 2 pictures in his shirt. Marvin came right before Joeliath was going to steal another one.

"This pretty great," Marvin told him. "Thanks for helping us."

"No problem, Marvin," Joeliath said, sincerity is his voice. "You have helped me just as much as I helped you."

Marvin did not understand what the alien meant but decided to ignore the matter. He stepped into the other room.

It seemed like it was a nursery. A crib was sitting in the corner of room surrounded by children toys. There was a rocking chair in front of the crib with words carved into it.

Marvin read it as  Domum. "Joel!" He called out. "Can you translate something for me?"

Joeliath's feet hammered on the hardwood as he pushed the nursery door wider. "What should I translate?"

"This chair," Marvin gestured to the chair.

"It says home," Joeliath answered. "In Esperanto."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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