Aizawa Shouta x Reader: Calm Times

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He's been having a rough time in the manga so here's some fluff for you all. And this is kind of self-indulgent for me too, so it is shorter than my usual work. Enjoy!

"Shouta! Oh my god!" you shouted at the small t.v. screen in your living room. What you saw was making you extremely uneasy and nervous. For once, Aizawa was on the silver screen battling villains in what looked like a prolonged and tough battle.

He jumped around so quickly that the news camera struggled to keep up with him as villain after villain fell around him. He was graceful and experienced that was for sure, but you knew he must be somewhat injured and extremely tired.

You hated not being able to help him, it felt too one-sided for your liking. Your body physically ached as you kept your eyes glued to the screen. If nothing else, you could at least be with him like this, supporting him from afar.



"Hold still Shouta. I know you have a high pain tolerance but please don't make this harder than it has to be." you said, blotting cool water around a cluster of tiny cuts decorating his left shoulder. He sighed deciding to just let you take care of him for a little bit.

You carefully placed three thin bandages on the cuts, and proceeded wash your hands in the bathroom sink. He stayed put, sitting on the toilet seat and gazing at you with tired eyes.

"Thank you y/n. I know this isn't fun or anything--"

"I don't mind. I knew what I was getting into when I started dating a pro hero." you said, your voice filled with teasing. "I'm just sorry I can't be more help..."

Your voice trailed off, and you dried your hands on the fluffy green towel that hung near the sink. Aizawa got up with ease, and placed his hands on your waist gently but firmly.

"You're amazing y/n. I wouldn't want you anywhere near the fighting anyway." he said softly, patting the top of your head with one hand.

"Thanks... you know I think I know what we should do now." you replied, a wide smile pulling at your lips.


The door to the cat cafe opened quietly and you and Aizawa strode with purpose into the small, cute building. Your mission: pet as many cute cats as possible!

"Hey you two." The woman at the front desk said with a smile. You and Aizawa were both frequent customers, and Aizawa even had a membership with the cafe. So, she recognized you both immediately.

"Hi, I heard you guys got three new cats!" You exclaimed excitedly, leaning over the counter slightly.

"That's right. Go check 'em out." She said, and Aizawa handed her his membership card. She quickly hole punched it, saying that the next visit would be half off.

"Dang Shouta. I guess we'll be coming back soon."

"Definitely." He replied and with that you two walked into another larger room, and were greeted by the sounds of multiple cats meowing loudly.

You immediately made a beeline towards a fluffy tabby named King, who was sitting near a shiny metal water bowl. He was your personal favorite, plus he had the loudest meow you had ever heard. Aizawa favored...well actually he loved all of the cats to death.

He enjoyed sitting cross-legged on the floor which let as many cats as possible to gather around him. They always liked to be around him too, it was like they were magnetically drawn to him or something.

"Shouta, King sure is getting fat." you noted, petting King's pudgy stomach lovingly.

"Indeed. He's very spoiled, so I can see why you like him.." Aizawa said as he simultaneously petted two grey cats who were purring loudly. You scoffed, feigning hurt at his sarcastic comment.

"King is the greatest cat ever. Maybe you're just jealous over how much attention I give him."

Your words earned a breathy chuckle from Aizawa, and he motioned for you to go over to him. You complied and sat on the floor next to him, King following you closely. "What is it?" you asked your scruffy boyfriend. Without saying anything he tenderly cupped your cheek in his calloused hand and rubbed soothing circles on it with his thumb.

"I appreciate everything you do for me so much y/n. I love you so much." Aizawa said, his voice quiet and low as his dark eyes stared into yours intensely.

"I love you more than you know Shouta." you replied, giving him a small smile and placing your hand over his. His eyes started to glint , and he smirked at you teasingly.

"Hmm, show me then y/n."

"With pleasure." you said, before closing your eyes and placing a firm kiss on his chapped lips. He leaned into it immediately making your body heat rise immensely. Even though the motions of kissing were familiar to you both, he still could make you feel like it was your first time.

You pulled away, gently resting your forehead on his as you kept your eyes closed.

"Well this was definitely a great idea y/n. Good job." Aizawa said, and you couldn't help but laugh at his dry humor.

"You're very welcome Shouta." 

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