Chapter One: She's so Strange

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Hi I'm Derek. I'm an ordinary schoolboy. Not a care in the world about me! I just mind my own business so you should too! My friend Alexis hopefully agrees too. She and I have known each other for a while. However, she acts kind of strange at some times. She is always preoccupied. I don't get it. I ask her to hang out and she said she had plans. Then she wouldn't tell me what she was doing that day. I gotta figure her out at some point.

In class, my History teacher was talking about how, within the founding of America, everyone was ignorant and stupid and was unprofessional. They had no idea what they were doing, so they declared war almost every week. Or at least that's what I learned from it. Alexis seemed to be writing something in her notebook. She wasn't following along with the teacher. I wonder why...

We were leaving Science class and I asked her if she wanted to hang out on Saturday. She told me she had something to attend to, almost as if she were in a hurry to escape the conversation. That's when I had enough.

"Ok no more secrecy. I need the truth. You never have the chance to hang out. You always have plans and never tell me. I've known you for years and I'm concerned. What's going on?"

At that moment. Alexis knew she couldn't hold it back anymore. She had to tell me what was happening with her. I was ready.

Then, she grabbed me by the shirt and shoved is both into the empty Janitorial closet.

We were face-to-face now. My eyes locked onto hers. There was no way either of us could escape this one. She began to instruct me.

"Derek, nobody else can know about this. I have been meaning to tell you this for a while now and I have never gotten around to tell you. It's important that you are aware of this but you need to keep it down. No one can know anything. Please understand that. I know this might become a lot for you to take in but—"

"Alexis!" I said "Just tell me!"

She took in a big inhale. She let it out. Her majestic blue eyes locked onto mine. She was ready to let out probably the biggest secret in her life.

"Derek," She told me, "I'm a Witch."

Thank you so much for reading the story! I would like to thank howell_about_no_ for helping me with character names. Let me know what you think

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