A Sample From Frisk

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Warning: Possible spoilers in this part!
*Frisk's POV*
I entered the King's throne.
"😐✋☠️👆 ✌💧👆🏁☀️👈📪 ❄️👇👈☀️👈♊️💧 💧🏁💣👈🏁☠️👈 👌👈👇✋☠️👎 ✡️🏁✝️✏️"
(Translation for readers; NOT from the narrator themselves; {"King Asgore, there's someone behind you!"})
I noticed that taller skeleton in the same room with the king, but I personally couldn't understand him. I didn't know what he had said, but it seemed as if King Asgore did. Like he knew the language or the skeleton or something and he turned around to see me.
"Howdy er–"
He stepped back a couple of steps noticing that I'm human.
"Where is Sans," the taller skeleton asked me.
"I'm not falling for that again..."
"No, I'm serious this time! Where is he? He is usually always with you, but he's not this time! Where is he?"
"Why do you care?"
"H-h-h-he's my son! I have concerns over him just as I have concerns over you!"
"Doctor Gaster? What are you saying? This is a human! Not to mention, the last human soul that we need to-"
But he stopped himself and he just made eye contact with Doctor Gaster.
Doctor Gaster nodded.
"I know your highness...
But I've been thinking..."
"What now?
This isn't a good time to be arguing about this right in front of the human!"
"Take me!"
"What," the both of them shouted in unison by astonishment.
"Frisk! You're not okay, are you," Doctor Gaster asked.
"Would you like a cup of tea?"
"Uuuuh, aren't you supposed to kill me?"
"Oh dear!
Frisk dearie!"
That's the first time Doctor Gaster called me that...
"Please, wait outside!"
He pointed out the door I came in.
I hesitated as I just stood there looking at him pitifully.
"Please, go outside now! I'll call Sans for you! Please wait outside, Frisk!"
I stood there.
"GO, NOW!"
I quickly ran outside of the same door I came in after he shouted that. I think that was perhaps the first time I saw him angry. But he sounded more scared than angry. Maybe he was worried about my mental well being?

Doctor Gaster called Sans.
"Hey, Sans? Wherever you are, the kid needs you! Please meet them outside of the King's court room full of golden flowers; got it?"
"sure. no problem. but what's wrong?"
"Just go there, now! They need you!"

It wasn't long before Sans warped in front of me.
"You gotta give me a warning before you just jump scare me like that!"
"you're the one scaring both me and my dad!"
I didn't say anything to that.
what's going on here?"
"I'm going to free all monsters by giving up my soul to the king!"
Sans swallowed hard as his eyes went dim in his eye sockets.
"kiddo, don't do it!"
His voice was almost shaking.
"Why not? Don't you want to live up on the surface world again?"
"yeah, but not like that!"
"What do you mean?"
"look kid; i appreciate the offer, but i'm not going to lose you! it's not worth it!"
"What do you mean 'it's not worth it'?"
"the surface world means absolutely nothing, if it's not with you," he began to sob.
He hugged me.
"please don't sacrifice yourself like that! please don't do that! you scared both me and my dad when you did that! please don't do that!"
"Is life really that much greater down here than it is up there?"
"with you it is...
with you it is a hundred times better down here than it is a thousands resets up there without you!"
I never heard anyone say that before; especially to me.
"So how else would you go to the surface?"
*Meanwhile with Doctor Gaster and King Asgore*
"We still need one more human soul..."
"Your majesty, I've been thinking..."
"We don't have to kill Frisk, do we?"
King Asgore looked confused.
"You named the child?"
"No... But that is their name!
Frisk is an angel!"
"And what would that change?"
"Please, maybe there'll be another way! Maybe we won't have to kill Frisk! Please, promise me that you won't kill Frisk!"
"What would that accomplish?"
"Please your majesty...
There has to be another way!"
"Why do you ask?"
"You would have done the same if that was Asriel!"
King Asgore turned away from him.
"You know that I miss them both...
My dearest Toriel, and my dear son Asriel. I want to see them again..."
King Asgore's eyes become watery.
"Don't tell me now that you've grown attached to this human child!"
"My son is dating them!  Of course I had!"
King Asgore was taken aback by what he had said.
"Then when that child returns...
Please apologize to your son about his loss..."
Doctor Gaster sneered at King Asgore.
"You remind me of her..."
"Of Toriel.
She would have done the same! She even said the same thing to me!"
King Asgore began to cry.
"We're never getting out of here," he added.
"Please don't say that!
There must be another way! We'll get through this, I promise! Just not by sacrificing Frisk...

{Small author's note: Doctor Gaster in this timeline and universe can speak both in hands and in English.}

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