Sorry, small vent.

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Eh, a vent. I just need to get this off my chest. Hopefully I'll actually update this story within the week.

My brother is being a bloody brat and he has my dad upset and my mom upset and when they're upset, I'm upset because I'm trying to make them feel better and shit and it doesn't ever work and I don't know what the fuck to do! I'm failing literally all my goddamn classes and report cards are coming home in two days and my cat who's been with me for twelve years (I was one when I got him) is dying of respiratory failure and my best friend may be leaving my school and I haven't seen my girlfriend in a month and I miss her!

My anti-depressants and giving me these wicked ass mood swings and I feel angry almost every bloody day and I'm never angry! Like, you could do literally anything to me and I couldn't care less and now if anyone talks to me I just want them to stfu and I just plain feel terrible.

It feels like like I'm holding my family together for christs sake and my family has even had to threaten to send my brother into the foster system, and god, I feel like shit... I'll be honest, I haven't felt the desire to hang myself with a fucking belt in a long time but everything is going to shit and I'm damn near my wits end. Sorry....

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