New York State

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The three of them woke up and saw that the bus has stopped already. They got out of the bus and went to a random hotel.

The three of them entered the hotel and the receptionist welcomed them. "Goodmorning Sir. How may I help you?" The receptionist asked. Mark replied, "Umhh... How much for 4 nights at the Deluxe Room?" The receptionist replied, "$40 per night. So a total of $160 with free breakfast each morning." Mark replied, "Okay. We'll take one." The receptionist handed them the key with the room number and took their luggage.

They entered the room and there are two king size beds and one television. Quentin asked, "New York State is pretty cheap huh?" Apollo replied, "I guess. Compared to other cities which costs over $100 per night." Quentin replied, "Or maybe this hotel is very low class. Anyway, we won't spend our days here. Only nights. lol. We'll spend the days trying to solve Romano's case." Mark butted in and said, "No travelling? Awww" Apollo replied, "We'll find some time for that." Quentin said, "Let's get out of here and go to Romano's residence."

They arrived at Romano's residence and tried to break into the door. After 5 minutes of trying, they finally unlocked the door. The three of them were surprised that Romano's corpse is still in the living room. Full of completely dried blood.

They started inspecting the place. Then Quentin checked the couch and found a letter underneath it. He quickly called Apollo and Mark to tell them what he found. Then Apollo quickly said, "Read it!" They started reading the letter.
"To whoever is reading this, this message may feel eccentric. I, Romano Mancuso, chose to kill myself using a knife. Sherwin isn't a bad guy after all. He was helping me."
They were all wordless. Then Mark said, "So he killed himself? Sherwin is not a bad guy? Problem solved." Then Quentin was annoyed and replied, "This obviously isn't his handwriting. I know his handwriting, and he usually write in a peculiar way, like ending every word with Z or F. He told me that so it's a sign that it's written by him. He doesn't like being impersonated." Apollo noticed something about the handwriting. It was familiar to him but can't remember who has that kind of handwriting. Then Quentin asked Apollo, "Apollo! Do you know anything about this?" Then Apollo replied in a unusual way, "He... ermm... The handwriting is familiar, but I can't remember who owns it." Mark replied, "Ah!! I see." They continued inspecting the scene. They checked everything and saw nothing. When they checked his front yard, they saw a camera. So they went to the place that handles all security cameras in that specific area.

When they arrived at the place, they straightly asked the operator. "Umhh sir, can we see the CCTV footage of Romano Mancuso's place? January 8, 2017 around 2pm." Quentin asked. The operator replied, "Okay. I'll just get it." The operator straightly went to the file directory and they all watched the video.
- CCTV Footage -
It was 2:36pm, January 8, 2017. Romano went inside his home and was followed by a strange looking person. The person also went inside his home without Romano knowing. Then after a few minutes, there were unusual sounds inside like pulling and stabbing a knife to a person's body and screaming. Then the strange looking person went out and started looking around and removed his shirt which is full of blood. His angel wing tattoo on his chest was seen. Then he straightly ran away.
- In the Office -
"Umhh... sir can you zoom in the tattoo?" Apollo asked. Then the operator zoomed in and saw a word written. SheBie. Then Quentin noticed something and quickly said, "Wait. SheBie is written. Sherwin Biemez is the person he despises. She and Bie is the first three letters of his name and last name. So that leads to the point that it's Sherwin. And that guy completely looks like Sherwin. And after having a friendship with Sherwin during kinder, he used to draw that angel wing design with SheBie. He once told me that he wants to make it a tattoo when he grows up." Then Mark said, "Suspicious." Then Apollo yelled and said, "OOH YEAAAA! I FINALLY REMEMBER WHOSE HANDWRITING IT IS! Sherwin was my bestfriend during 3rd grade. That's his handwriting."

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