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Tell me how we're not alike
But we work so well and we don't even know why
Funny how the stars crossed right
'Cause we work so well and we don't even know why
----Why, Sabrina Carpenter

December 24, 2017

Rae survived the extended family, her head spinning and her ears ringing.  She'd had no idea that Luke had so many aunts, uncles and cousins.  She helped Jennifer in the kitchen and spent time getting to know Lauren.  And Luke's grandmother seemed to take a liking to her, muttering under her breath about how much better Rae was than that last wanna be celebrity bimbo.

And she survived church.  As she sat there beside Luke, she found herself thinking about the things that Grayson had said to her.  Had she really confused God with Santa Claus?  She'd thought that if she was good enough that God would grant her wishes, but that wasn't the way it really worked, was it?  She realized that she had had the faith of a six year old, not an adult.

She still wasn't sure whether or what she believed, but she had to admit that the Christmas Eve service was peaceful.  And sitting there with Luke, how could she not feel blessed?  She slid her hand into his, squeezed it softly.  He smiled at her and Rae realized that she wanted to spend every Christmas like this.  With him.

December 25, 2017

Christmas morning was a bit of a whirlwind, since Rae and Luke needed to leave.  Rae had been stunned by the bezel set diamond solitaire necklace that Luke had given her, telling her that he wanted to get her something she would be able to wear to work with her scrubs.  It was an overwhelming gift and she'd had tears in her eyes. 

Jennifer had hugged her for a long time and asked her to please take good care of Luke, which had been nearly as overwhelming as the necklace.  Rae was still trying to recover when they pulled out of the driveway and got on the road back to Michigan.

Things seemed to be happening so fast.  They hadn't been together very long and Rae was feeling like she was on a runaway train. 

She loved Luke.  She knew that.  And she wanted this relationship more than she could ever remember wanting anything.  But they were still very different people, with pretty different lives.  And things were moving on a fast track. 

But if Rae thought they were already moving too quickly, she needed to buckle up for what was coming next. 

They'd been on the road for about half an hour when Luke cleared his throat and glanced over at her.  "So, uh, I've been thinking," he started.  Rae simply looked over and raised an eyebrow.  "It seems kinda ridiculous for you to keep your own place.  I mean, the only time you're there is when I'm on the road."

Rae's eyes got huge.  "Luke?" she managed.  "Wha-, uh, I mean-"

"I want you to move in with me."  He'd said the words quickly, all in one breath.  And looked over for her reaction.

She couldn't have looked more shocked if he'd told her that he was actually having an affair with Grayson. Her face went white.

Luke put his eyes back on the road and just waited. But there was silence. Finally, he couldn't take it any longer. "Please say something," he whispered.

Rae heard the tremor in his voice. Knew that even though he was trying to be casual about this, he was nervous. "I, uh, I don't know what to say." She bit her lip. "I really wasn't expecting that."

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