A Matter of Trust

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I know you're an emotional girl
It took a lot for you to not lose your faith in this world
I can't offer you proof, but you're gonna face a moment of truth
——A Matter Of Trust, Billy Joel

March 17, 2018

"Cait?  Are you still there?"  Rae frowned at her phone.

Cait picked her phone up out of her lap.  "Sorry?" she managed.  "What are you talking about?"

"My mother.  Your father." Rae snapped a bit.  "Focus here, Cait."

"What about them?" Cait snapped back.  "Rae, what the fuck?  Are you telling me that -"  She really couldn't even finish the thought.

"I don't know," Rae ground out.  "Not for sure.  But there seems to be some circumstantial evidence."

Cait sighed. "Rae, I think you must be mistaken. Don't get me wrong, your mother is a lovely person. But I've been watching my dad shoot women down for more than twelve years now."

"Maybe you're right," Rae conceded. "But what if -"

"I can't even think about that now, Rae," Cait said quietly but firmly. "I've got enough of my own issues to deal with."


Rae enjoyed the game. Olivia admitted that she'd never been to an actual basketball game before and she was stunned when her little sister was able to explain at least the basics to her. And Olivia, who had seen her share of sports-related injuries in her medical practice, actually found watching the game itself fascinating.

Afterward, they headed back to the hotel. Rae was pretty tired, still on eastern daylight time for the most part, but she figured she'd have time to sleep when she got back home. She and Olivia were sitting in the hotel lobby, sipping coffee and waiting for Luke to get back. Eventually, the team appeared and Rae watched the collection of girls that were hanging out, waiting for them. She saw one very attractive one smile at Luke and try to slide her room key to him. Luke hadn't spotted Rae yet, but was looking around for her, so he almost stepped on the girl in question, not paying attention to her. Rae saw her lean close, try to slide the key in his pocket. And she saw Luke frown, shake his head and pull away quickly. The girl looked pissed, but Luke simply kept going. And then his eyes met Rae's and that beautiful smile appeared on his face.

"Does that answer your questions?" Olivia asked softly.

Rae managed a slight smile at her sister as Luke arrived at her side and dropped a soft kiss on her cheek.

March 18, 2018

Luke headed to breakfast while Rae was still getting ready. He had to leave and she would be headed back to Detroit. But he was glad she'd come. He just liked seeing her, being with her. And he'd actually enjoyed getting to know her sister a little bit. That felt important.

He'd just sat down when Olivia slid into the seat across from him. "Morning," Luke smiled at her.

"Okay, Ace," Olivia said without responding to his greeting. "You and I need to have a talk."

Luke raised an eyebrow. "About?"

"About you and my sister," Olivia told him. "I'm sure she'll be showing up here soon, so I'll make this brief. Don't hurt her. Rae and I might not see each other as often as I'd like, but she's still my baby sister, the only sibling I have left. And I'm telling you right now, if you hurt her, there won't be a hole deep enough for you to hide in. Capisce?"

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