Louder Than Ever

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Walking through the hallways of the DEO, Mon-El searches for somebody that can tell him what he wants to know. Luck smiles at him when he turns the next corner. He's relieved to find Winn, who's talking with another agent. Winn is the right person to ask. He's Mon-El's friend; maybe the only one with whom he can count on right now and at this time. Mon-El doubts that Winn knows how much he appreciates the friendship and trust they share; it means everything to him. Winn is always there for Mon-El, no matter what.

In the week or so since the rescue from the ship, the air in the DEO has been a little tense. Mon-El understands the reason for that, and knows that the way in which he and Imra have stayed vague about why they are here at the present time doesn't help. Yet, he can't take the risk of revealing their mission until it's strictly necessary. It's a need-to-know situation.

"Hey, Winn. Do you have a moment?" Mon-El asks his friend as the other agent walks away.

Winn turns around, "Mon-El, hi. Yeah, sure. What's up?"

Mon-El knows that his effort to be nonchalant is a waste of time and Winn will see right through him, but that doesn't stop him from trying. His worry is stronger than his common sense, and Mon-El can nothing do about that. "I, um, I'm looking for.... Alex. Have you seen her?"

The half-scolding, half-commiserating look that Winn gives him is telling Mon-El that he's fooling nobody. Winn knows isn't Alex is the person he is asking for. Mon-El is grateful that his friend chose not to call on his crappy deceit and answers him anyway.

"Alex," Winn emphasizes the name, "hasn't come back from Earth-1 yet."

That is what Mon-El was afraid of. "Shouldn't she be here already?"

"She said she'd be gone for a few days. Today is third since she left, so I guess she's returning soon. Why?"

Before Mon-El can answer with another lie, a soft feminine voice calls him at his back. "Mon-El?"

Turning around, he sees Imra standing at the other end of the hallway and he cringes inwardly. She caught him. Calling back the charmer he was what it feels lifetimes ago, Mon-El uses his brightest smile that took him out of trouble so many times before, "Were you looking for me?"

She smiles back and walks closer to him. When she's at his side, he kisses her temple and she wound her arm around his waist. Instead of answering his question, she greets Winn, "Hi... Winn, is it?"

Winn nods, "That's me. How are you feeling?"

"I feel much better, thank you," Imra says and then turns to Mon-El. "And that's why you promised me a walk together in the park. You told me you were going to show me the city around."

"Yes, I did, and we're going. I just needed to ask Winn something."

"Everything okay?" Imra asks with her brows bumped together in a frown.

"Yes, yes, everything is fine."

"So can we go now, before the sun sets?"

Mon-El wants to stay close, but instead, he says, "Ye-yes. Let's go."

Winn says goodbye to them as Mon-El takes Imra's hand, leading her to the exit. Mon-El bites his tongue to not call back and ask Winn to notify him when the Danvers sisters return, but he refrains. That would be too much, having Imra by his side. One thing is being considered a jackass that he's certain most people are labeling him as, and another is actually being one.

Once they're out on the street, away from prying eyes and ears, he and Imra keep their stroll, but they soon drop the farce of being a couple in love. Mon-El knows he hasn't done a convincing job for anyone who's paying attention, but he can't help it. His feelings for Kara are stronger than his will.

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