Chapter 13: SpongeBob VS DoodleBob, A Dance With the Doodle

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January 27, 2017.

Bikini Bottom, in pieces.

8:30 A.M.

As SpongeBob attempts to pull out his weapons, DoodleBob eyes him.

"No, put them away", he says strictly.

SpongeBob looks at him with hate in his eyes, and then slowly puts his guns in the bag.

He trembles and hesitates to speak, but he asks DoodleBob a simple, yet heartbreaking question.

"Why did you destroy my home", SpongeBob asks with a serious tone.

DoodleBob's smile turns to a frown the moment he finishes speaking. His fists clench, and he grit his teeth, sounding like sandpaper when he grinds them together.

"Do you have ANY idea what you put me through?! I was thrown out of my birthplace, you fool! YOU are the reason I even destroyed your measly town! YOU are the reason I came back from the prison you call a "fun drawing." Above all, you are the reason I was born. And you viewed me as a mistake. I had everything taken away, and I can tell you hate losing your stupid home, and fancy car, and all the awards you apparently won.", DoodleBob lashed out angrily. "If you wanted happiness, you should have respected me, and not treated me like trash."

SpongeBob looked down.

"You don't know my pain. I was drawn with little knowledge, and you saw me as dangerous."

SpongeBob then looked up and said, "You attacked us and stole the pencil that created you. After that, you ran around like the monster you are and acted hostile towards us. You are a moron if you think we attacked you first!"

DoodleBob looked at him surprised.

SpongeBob continued. "Yes, I tried to eliminate you, and look what you did! You could've learned and at least come out to ask for a change. I would have let you, but you don't have a chance now. You destroyed everything, and I know you still have all that anger built up inside of you. Even if you do kill me, it will never make you feel better. I hope someone with more power in this ocean rips you limb from limb, because a hateful, blunt IDIOT and ruthless mass murderer like you should have no power to rule. You are not worthy."

He looked at SpongeBob with hate.

Yet SpongeBob said one last thing.

"DoodleBob, stop this killing. If you want to be put out of your misery, I will not stop you, but committing genocide will only prove my point that you had to be stuck in that picture in the first place."

There was a brief silence in the smoke-filled air.

Then, DoodleBob spoke.

"You want me to die, don't you, Father?", he asked rhetorically.

SpongeBob stared, his eyes showing pain.

"I thought so", he said. He then gestured towards the giants.

"KILL THEM ALL!", he yelled.

All of a sudden, Patrick and Gary reached into the bag. Patrick pulled out his mace and Gary his RPG. The animals roared and charged at them.

SpongeBob jumped towards DoodleBob, but the mole slaps him away. SpongeBob falls, but recovers. DoodleBob then jumps off the mole and lands his fist square into SpongeBob's nose.

Meanwhile, Patrick ducks and hits the crow's beak just as it charges at him. The bird hits an already damaged building and the home collapses under the bird's immense weight.

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