Chapter 1

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Sami Foxberry is 24 years old, she spent most of her life being in Seattle with her mom and two sisters. Her dad left when she was 2 years old. While it has been tough for her mom taking care of three girls, she was emotional when she saw them leave for the first time. Sami was the youngest, Kelli was the middle child being 28 and Eliza being 30 years old. Sami works at the café shop in town. Her sisters were out in California with kids. She was helping a customer when a man in his late 20s ordered his coffee. "Adam." he said. She wrote his name down and once it was done, she handed him his coffee. He smiled and left. She didn't think much of it when she was cleaning up and driving home. Once she made it home she went to YouTube and watched videos and started to play Minecraft. 

While she was playing, someone by the name SkythekidRS entered. She continued to play, she was excited that next week was Minecon. She had taken the whole week off to prepare for this, she saved money, did some shopping and planned what she was going to do during the weekend. 

When 10pm hit, she shut down her computer for the night and headed to bed. The following morning, she was up making coffee and headed out the door to work again. As she was working, the mysterious man named 'Adam' walked in. He ordered the same thing and left. She wondered about him, what he does, what he's like, how he is at home. She wondered til it was closing time. She closed up and headed home. 

Today was the day of heading to Minecon, she was excited to see who she was meeting, especially her favorite YouTubers. She drove to the hotel she was staying to get checked in and settled. She wanted to take it easy on the first day. Sami picked out some t-shirts, a pair of joggers and some pins, she walked around til she noticed the mysterious man talking to some fans. He was under a sign named 'skydoesminecraft' 

She was positive that he was with his daughters and they were waiting for this person but the two girls went away and he stood there waiting for other fans to meet. Sami decided to go up to the man to say hello. "Are you Adam?" she asked. The man turned around to greet her. "Uh, yes, I am." he said, confused. "I'm sorry, I'm Sami, I see you everyday in the Downtown Café." 

"Oh! Yes, I remember you." he said. They shook hands and continued talking, "so what are you doing in a place like this?" 

"Oh, you know, meeting people, talking to celebrities for literally five seconds." Sami said. 

"Yeah, I don't like whole you spend a ton to meet someone for like two seconds. I like to actually know the person." They continued talking til it was time to close everything down to get ready for the next day. 

Adam decided to give her his number so they could continue talking and can meet up for coffee. Sami headed to a Chinese restaurant, ordered and headed back to the hotel. 

As she finished up her dinner, she prepared to get ready for bed, she was tired. After she sent a quick message to Adam, she fell asleep, dreaming about what was life with Adam.  

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