Chapter 13

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Adam and Sami decided to watch Smiley. It was terrifying though. They took a walk, today seemed hotter so they went to an ice cream shop. They headed to the mall. Sami bought some clothes. "You know, I need to close my apartment and move in with you. It would definitely be weird to be married and have two separate houses." Sami said, checking out. Adam nodded. He forgotten all about her apartment. It was a beautiful apartment with natural lighting and knew that it would have no troubles selling. 

Adam and Sami met up with a realtor to sell the house. Her house was officially on the market. They both headed home to find the boys there. Adam sighed. "It's okay, a few more months." Sami reassured. Adam went out to the patio where the guys were and figured out the commotion while Sami went upstairs to put her swimming suit on. 

Adam was in the house when Sami came down. "Are you going to join them?" Adam asked. Sami nodded. Adam quickly went up to change. 

Sami joined the boys and they were playing football. "500 yards!" Jerome yelled and jumped in. Mitch caught the ball. Adam came out and joined. After a few hours, Mitch made some remarks towards Sami. "Why do you have those scars?" he asked. Sami was already uncomfortable. "Hey, if she doesn't want to say why, don't push her." Ty said. "It was a question, that's all." said Mitch, creeping closer to Sami. "Don't you dare, Mitch. Get out of my house. You're done." said Adam, grabbing him and pushing him. 

Adam was not happy. He pushed Mitch out, slamming the door on him. Adam appeared and spoke up, grabbing Sami, "Now, as you guys know, we are getting married in a few months. We've discussed that you can't show up here unannounced. Who knows, we might have kids in the near future and can't risk them being injured. If you shoot a text at either me or Sami, it's good. But we need to have a house for ourselves and we will party but we want to be prepared for the married life and the kids." said Adam. The boys understood. Adam thanked them and started the grill to cook dinner. 

"WOOOOOOOOO!!!" Jerome yelled, jumping in the pool. 

Everyone jumped in the pool. 

During the night

Sami sneaked upstairs and dried off, jumping into bed.

Following morning, Sami came downstairs to find the boys in the pool. She made coffee. 

"Mornin boys." she said. They woke up. Sami stood there, sipping her coffee. "Where are we?" Adam asked. "You were sleeping in the pool, dorks." Sami said. "Oh, yeah, we had a party." Mitch said. Sami chuckled. 

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