Chapter2 ^.^

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"Hey Tay wazza?" I ask Taylor as we get in the car

"hey Les and nothing just checking Twitter how bout you" he asks me without taking his eyes off his phone

"Just watching vines"

"Of course les" snd thats when I playfully slap him

"Hey dat hurt" he said in a little kid voice

"Oh im not sowwie" I reply back to him grabbing his hand and that was when the conversation ended so I but my earphones and started listening to 'if I die young by band Perry' and other artist like ed sheeran or Jason deRULO and I just drifted to sleep

About 2 hours later I was woken up by Taylor shaking me really hard

"Are trying to kill me?"

"Maybe" he says with a smile

"Okay imma bout' to slap you again" I said putting my arm in the postion showing that I was about to slap him

"Oh dear God pleasse no!" putting his hands in the air pretending I was a po po (Police)

"Okay now what did you what"

"Oh we are here niw so get your bags"

"Oh okay" as I get my bags I hear Taylor yell so I just continue getting my bags and almost tip over

"DAMN WTF DID I PUT IN HERE?!?!" I ask myself.

I walk to my mom and ask her if I can have some money for Starbucks. she gave me $28 (weird number) and I walked to the starbuck just a couple of yards away from us. As I am walking I have my earphone in and listening to 'drunk in love by beyoncé' and singing to it. I got a frappe with caramel and chocolate that costed about $5 or $6 dollars so I decided to go to McDonalds.

I got about 15 burgers bc I know that me and mom will eat about 2 and and Tay Tay will eat about 10 or 9. Whike I was walking back 'stay by rihanna and mikky ekko' came on and I really love that song so I decided to sing and I got lost in that moment but I could feel someone watcging me but I didn't wanna turn but then I realized that my frappe got on my Jordans so I put my stuff down and got a napkin to clean my J's,(Hate getting my shoes dirty!) I can still feel someones eyes peircing my back I was so weirded out. that I looked to see.....

HAHAHA cliffhanger guys!!! but yea so bye!!
(My potatoes)

~ Ariana

Being a Caniff twin :) (A Cameron Dallas fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now