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Leslie's p.o.v.

While we were penny boarding I noticed Taylor staring at jordyn alot and her smiling at hI'm to much 'somebody likes my brother' I said to myself. It got boring being silent so I stopped on the side walk and took my phone out with my earphones and played my music which was 'in not a vampire by Falling in reverse and game over by Falling in reverse' then I think Matthew noticed me stop and came back to me

"hey what's wrong?" he asked

"nothing it just got boring being silent" I said with one earbud in (like always)

"oh okay" he said and we started riding again but then I got carried off and went away from the group and in the corner of my eye I saw somebody following and then I turned and saw 2 people actually it was Nash and Cameron. They were still following me even when I went to taco bell. I saw them outside and coming inside.

"Hey you stalkers why did ya follow me?"

"because we cannn" Nash said

"okay" I said and turned back to the cashier

"hello ma'am what will your ord-" the person said then stopped when he noticed me

"oh ma gawd your Leslie Caniff!" he said excited

"that's me!" I said with a smile

"oh ma gerd I love you!"

"aww thanks"

"so what wI'll you like to order?"

"umm.. how about a Baja blast" I said then I got reminded of Brent 

"okay anything else?"

"umm..." I said scanning the menu "that's all but thank you"


"so your a fan?" I asked him


"do you have anything you want me to sign?"

"uh yea my phone case" he said pulling a galaxyS4

"hey it's just like mine"


"so the case or the back?" I asked

" both please"

"sure got a shrarpie"

"yea here" he said giving me the sharpie and I signed it

"and here you go ma'am"he said hanging me my drink that had a note on it with his number. So I scanned it and right there I put his number in my phone

"oh and what's you name?" I asked him

"it's Derek"

"oh okay Derek thanks byee"

"byee" he said back

once I got outside I texted him and then got back on my board and turned at him and waved then once I turned back I saw Nash and Cameron in my face. I slapped them both (I do that when I get scared I jjust swing)

"oh sh*t"

"oww" both of them said

"you shouldn't scare me I will slap the he'll out if you okay? okay"

"damn you slap hard"Nash said and I giggled at that

"okay c'mon lets go Taylor just texted me saying where was I" both of them nodded and went back to the group.

once we were back with the group someone behind me said

"aww c'mon les why didn't you get me one?" I knew this voice and I knew that they were talking about the drink I had (Baja blast)

"What do you want Brent just tell me what"

"I want you why are you mad at me?"  he said I looked at the group giving them the 'let me talk alone look'

"look Brent the day we were at the ice cream shop I walked out of the restroom and saw you letting a girl swallow your face "

"look babe that was a fan do you know what happens when I am left alone with a crowd or fans? I get attacked" he said and that made me laugh a little " you were the one to protect me bc people know what will happen I somebody did that in front if you"

"you swear on your mothers life it was just a fan?"


"and that you didn't kiss back?"

"I promise babe"

"okay I forgive you" I said and we hugged and I gave him a kiss on the cheek

" can I have some of your drink" he said Ponting to my drink

"there is only one straw babe" I said

"so we share things It doesn't matter" he said and I gave him my drink and he drank some. Then I noticed he didn't have a board under his feet so I got off of mine and we walked to the house.
Hey guys Brent and Leslie are back together somebody make a name for them and I will pick one to call Leslie and Brent.
In the story I know that It might seem like I'm calling brent a jerk but I'm not I actually love Brent in real life and I'm trying my hardest not to make him seem like a huge jerk. But anyways what do you call it when you don't wanna eat... like ever bc im never hungry and I rarely eat like once a day and I'm not lying But what do you call it like anorexia or somthing idk but somebody plzz help me.
Byee potatoes

Being a Caniff twin :) (A Cameron Dallas fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now