chapterrr10 (for sure)

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When I open my door I see..


I see Jordyn my bestfriend I havent seen jordyn since I have left 2 years ago to live in California (idek if he lives there but just go with it). I started to cry bc I missed her so much, and then I ran to her and started to like make it rain (not that way)but in a rain as in my tears.

"Jordyn I missed you" I managed to say

"I missed you too les" she said

"How did you get here"

"it was suppose to be a surprise but I didn't know where to hide so I just sat down" I laughed at that

"Well I just wanted to let you know I love you (in a bestfriend kinda way or a sister way)" I said wiping my tears

"now let go get you cleaned up my love" she said and I nodded yes

We went to the restroom to clean up my face. cHecked what time it was and it was 10:38 p.m. So after we get my face cleaned up we go to bed.

"I hhope tomorrow's better" I say to myself

We get changed into oit pj's and we sleep in the same bed (not that way but like side to side)

"goodnight JJ (her nickname I call her)"

"Night Les" and then we head to sleep
Wait... I say no claiming dots now carry on
okay so hi potatoe minions how are y'all.
I have writers block and I can't write that much bc the time I put up there in the passage was the real time in Houston so yea but by now it is 10:47 p.m and I'm watching "PERCY JACKSON " or "SEA OF MONSTERS"

So yea byee my potatoes


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