Part 3 (death warning)

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It's been a little shorter than a month since you moved and it seemed like your friends from your old home just forgot you existed. You stay in your apartment, thinking about whether or not to text them or something.

You also were listening to Joji scream. The walls were not soundproof, and you were neighbors. It cheered you up as you heard him start to laugh. You at least had these guys. 

You looked down at your phone and opened up the YouTube app. You owned a channel yourself, but it was small. Only a handful of subscribers, but you loved them all.

You noticed the video that Joji was talking about on your subscribed page. You remember he asked if he could upload the footage of your reaction to getting Ozzy. Speaking of Ozzy, he was keeping himself occupied with a ton of toys right by your feet. You agreed, obviously, and now you watched the video.

It started off with Ian, Max, and George outside of an animal shelter. They went in and started to crack jokes and tease each other. Then they got to Ozzy and Joji said, "This one will make a fine burrito." In his stupid, but you loved it, Frank voice.

Time Skip

You were at Ian's place today - by this you mean hotel room since you lived in NY and Ian lived in LA - helping him with some random video. He needed a camera man so you agreed to do the job.

You pressed record. "I'm Ian, doing a hotel tour." He said awkwardly and stopped for a second. "Hotel room tour. I normally wouldn't be doing this, but a little Aussie man told me too. 'Cause he's here too."

"Little men are gay! I ain't gay!" Max yelled from off camera. You turned the camera to word him, he was just staring at Ian. Then you focused the camera back at Ian.

This went on for awhile, them just staring at each other, until someone broke. Which was Max. When he started to crack up, so did everyone else.

Then you got a text from Joji.

Joji: hey are you home?

You: No I'm helping Ian film a boring ass video.

Joji: Do you have Ozzy?

You: No I left him at home. Why? Joji was starting to worry you.

Joji: okay then this is him. I have him. I heard meowing outside my door.

You: I'm so fucking relived you have him. He must've ran out when I left. Thank you!!!!!!!!! I can come get him now if you want.

Joji: No it's okay. Continue your 'boring ass video'. I can hang out with Oz while your gone. Besides he's so fucking cute I wanted to anyways. I just didn't want you to come home and not be able to find him.

You: are you sure?

Joji: yeah positive

You: thank you Joji

Joji: that's what friends are for.

"Okay let's just keep that." Ian laughed.

You ended up spending a while at Ian's hotel room. You told him you had to leave early, you didn't want to keep Joji up too late.

When you got to your apartment complex, you went right to Joji's. Before knocking on the door, you heard him playing his ukulele. Once you realized you were just standing there, looking like a serial killer, you knocked.

"Ozzy! Yo momma is home!" You heard him say. He opened the door to see you laughing. "You just heard what I said, didn't you?"

"Yep, but you are correct that he is my son." He let you in his place. You followed, and sat on the couch by him. Ozzy jumped up and laid on your lap.

"I'm sorry it took so long." You said as you looked at your cat.

"Hey it's no problem. I was gonna be alone anyway." He laughed.

"Thanks for being here for me, and Ozzy." You really wanted to look at Joji, but couldn't. What if Joji hadn't been home? What if Ozzy didn't meow?

"Y/n. It is seriously not a problem at all." He said honestly.

"I hope so. I really don't want to be too clingy or some shit." You finally looked at him, his eyes were so calming, kind, and honset.

"Well you're not." He smiled, genuinely.

"How was your day?" You didn't want to talk about yourself the whole time, you wanted to hear more about him.

"It was good since I got to hang out with Ozzy."

"Since?" His face drained of color, and he let out a nervous laugh. "Wait did Ian and Max not invite you?"

"No they offered. I turned them down, you know it's just one of those days." He sighed, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

"I'm sorry George." He started to laugh. "What?"

"Do you call me George when your serious?" He giggled.

You thought for a moment. "Yeah." You chuckled. " I guess I do."

Joji got up and lit a cigarette. You frowned and he noticed. "What's wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing." You say not wanting to annoy him, or act like you're trying to control him.

"Is it the smoking?" He asked, and you didn't respond. "So yes."

"I'm sorry. It's just," I sighed. "It's just it's really unhealthy for you."

"Awww you care about me." He smiled.

"Well yeah you're my best friend." You thought of your old friend from where you moved from. She had died from smoking, she smoked at a young age but then got cancer when she got older.  You suddenly felt really sad.

"Hey." He sat down by you again. "What's wrong Y/n."

"My friend." I held back tears. "She died from smoking. I don't want you to. I don't want to loose you." You felt a hot tear run down your face and you wiped it away.

"I'm so sorry Y/n. I didn't know." He put out the cigarette. "And I'm not going anywhere. You won't loose me. I promise." You felt more tears fall. You didn't want him to see you cry, but he did.

"I'm sorry." You said wiping your eyes, but you couldn't stop. He pulled you into a hug, it felt so nice.

"You don't need to be sorry for anything." When he said this you couldn't think. You sobbed and sobbed into his chest. He held you tight, trying to comfort you. Which it had.

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