Part Five

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"Hey sweetheart." Your mom said through the phone. It was 1 am and you woke to your phone ringing.

"Hey mom, it's like 1:15 here." You said, drowsily.

"Oh sorry." She apologized.

"It's fine." You started to hear the ukuele playing from Joji's room. You smiled.

"Your father and I want to come and visit you." You instantly felt nervous. They shouldn't come, it will mess up Joji's videos because if your parents know what he does, they'd make you move back. Besides, your job takes up most of your time.

"Can't I just come to you guys?" You asked, moving to a different room because George was getting too loud.

"We saw you got a cat. Also we want to meet your friends and see new york." She said.

"Mom I only have one friend who lives here." You sounded a bit snippy but you were so tired. "Sorry." You sighed. "It's just not a good time."

"Why not?"

"Well my work takes up most of the day." You started.

"When would be a good time."

"I don't know, I'll call you in the morning." You yawned.

"Alright. I love you."

"Love you too mom." You said as she hung up. Joji's music was like a lulaby, it made you fall asleep so easily. It was so calming and nice.

Time Skip

You came back from work and Joji was also in the hallway.

"Hey." He said, waving his hand.

"Hi." You said, still tired. "Your music was nice last night."

"Oh you heard that?" He put his hand around the back of his neck, blushing. You nodded, smiling at him. "Thanks and sorry for keeping you up."

"No you helped me." You reassured him. "My mom-" you remembered you told her you'd call her in the morning - it was now the evening. "Shit I have to call her." You said, quickly unlocking your door as Joji laughed, shaking his head.

"Well good luck I guess." He said as he went into his apartment.

"Hey mom." You said as she picked up.

"Hello. Have you found a good time?" She asked impatiently.

"It's really not a good time." You mentioned.

"I watched your videos and you seem to be free." She insisted.

"Mom those videos were when I first moved here and they were recorded on the weekend." You explained.

"Whose the guy in the glasses? We know Max and we've heard of George."

"That's Ian." You wish you could hang up. Your job was shit today, getting told you're no good and all that dumb fucking load of crap.

"Why do you hang around all those boys?" She asks too many questions.

"They're my friends. They knew Max and that's how I met them."

"I liked Max." She continued. "He was good to you."

"Mom please." You were getting a little pissed "I'll contact you when it's best to come, okay?"

"Fine." She paused. "I still don't trust that George. In your videos he seems really rude." She only knew half of George. She never saw the filthyfrank side, thank God, or you'd be flown away from him. "He doesn't seem like a good human. Like he just seems, terrible."

"He's not terrible." You yelled, quickly regretting it. "Mom he's the nicest one." You spoke softer now.

"Okay okay. Well I love you."

"Love you too. Bye." You hung up and sighed. You wanted to just slip away, not think. You hated everything and everyone. Everyone except your best friends: George, Max, and Ian.

Right as you were getting up, you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to see Joji.

"I wasn't eavesdropping or any of that" he said. "It's just this walls are super thin and I heard you were upset, are you okay?" He asked, putting his hand in your shoulder.

"Oh yeah I'm fine." You lied. "My mom just wants to come over here."

"Oh." He said, surprised.

"And she doesn't really like anyone but Max." You laughed and lied. You didn't want to tell him it was just him, that can really destroy a person.


"Don't just say oh. Your fucking gay." You laughed.

"You sly cunt." He laughed. "What was Max like? I'm just curious."

"Oh I know the real reason faggot." You paused and he raised an eyebrow at you. "Well he was basically the way he is but more gentle? I guess. Like ,yeah." You didn't really know how to phrase it.

"I didn't want to hear it like that!" He half shouted and half laughed.

"No no No! Not like that! You need Jesus boy!" He laughed at your response. "We never did the do."

"What a fucking faggot."

"Aww you're finally accepting yourself."

"Shut the fuck up." He started to sing. Wow he really did know how to cheer someone up.

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