Chapter 1 : Overcome

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Hayeon's POV

"Kang Chaeyoung!!" Chaeyoung and the employee flinched. Why the heck Chaeyoung brought me to try paragliding?! She knows I will go nuts when I am at high places. "Hayeon calm down please" She walk towards me from the ticket booth

"You know I am afraid of heights why will you bring me to this??" I am slightly annoyed with Chaeyoung . She clings onto my arm and swing it slightly. "Hayeon please just try it once.. For me?" she pouted. I sighed. Sometimes I wonder why I have such a crazy best friend.

"Fine.. I am sure it is not that scary?" I am trying to calm my mind down but it's no use. I am going crazy.

Ji hoon's POV

I walk towards the equipments to check if anything is spoil. Out of the blue , I hear someone shouting my name. "Ji hoon!" I look behind me and spot my paragliding buddy , Ji Eun , on top of that his my older brother. "Hyung is there any customers coming?" He nod. "AHHH! Chaeyoung!!" We all jump on to our feet. I turn around and see a girl clinging onto another girl's hand. She was screaming for her dear life.

"Look like she really scare of heights she hasn't even jump of this mountain yet" Ji Eun Hyung shook his head and look at me. "Haha I hope I don't paraglide with her later " Ji Eun Hyung just chuckle. "Ji hoon ah" the other older instructor call me. He is my senior and he is very experience too. I respect him a lot. "Yes?" I got up and walk towards him. "You will go paragliding with that girl later okay?" he point at the girl who was screaming. "What?!"

I sighed. I never handle that kind of people before. I mean like people who are afraid of heights because usually Ji Eun Hyung will take care for me. Haizz.. Please make it go well. After I was done suiting up , I took a deep breathe and went to approach the girl. "Um.. Hello? I am your instructor for today" she turn and greet me with a uneasy smile. I scan her up and down. She was already suit up. "Okay let's go"

"Chaeyoung ah!!! Save me!" I was doing the necessary precautions before take off. However with this girl keep screaming infront of me , I couldn't focus at all. To be honest I am slightly scare of sitting behind her. She keep on kicking into the air and screaming. Out of the blue , another girl walk beside to the girl. I think thats her best friend? "Haeyeon don't worry you will be fine this guy here is also very experience so you won't fall okay" How am I even experience? I only been doing this for 3 years.. She whined even more. Her friend pat my back softly and come close to my ear. "Please try to calm her down while you guys are up there" I nod and slightly smile at her.

"Miss Hayeon we are going to take off" she turn around with her eyes widen. "What!? Now?! Wa-" my senior told us to run and I follow the instructions but Miss Hayeon's legs didn't move at all. She scream and cover her face with her hands. With all my strength , I lift us up into the sky. "AHHH! Save me!!" she scream muffling through her hands. With so much chao , I try my best to make us as stable as possible.

Finally , we are stable and she is still screaming. "Miss Hayeon we are stable" All of a sudden , I hear her sobbing. I feel bad hearing her cry. "Miss Hayeon don't cry.. I am not dead you know" she instantly give a slight chuckle. "How- can yo-u still jo-ke at this mo-ment?" she stammer through her words. I can tell she was still nervous but better than before we took off. "I have been doing this everyday for 3 years of course I am fine but Miss Hayeon you should take your hand down you are missing a view here!" I try to make her curious so she will take her hands off to see the beautiful view.

"I can't.. I am scared" she whisper but it's loud enough for me to hear. I lower my head next to her ear. "You will be fine.. Trust me" I try to sound as convincing as possible. "Rea-lly? We will be fine?" she hesitate a little. "mhm" I nod. She take a deep breath and slowly put one of her each hand down. "Omgg! I can't believe I did it!" she squealed excitedly. She literally change to another person but I love her reaction. "Why are you smiling for?" I look down and see her smiling at me innocently. "Ohh N...Nothing I am glad you manage to see this view" What is wrong with you Lee Ji hoon! Why are you stammering? Why is my heart beating so fast? Why am I smiling like an idiot? Ugh..

"Wow! The view is really amazing! and Thank you for making me overcome my fear!" she said. "You're welcome" I smiled. "What's your name?" she ask me. "My name is Lee Ji hoon nice to meet you!" She giggle. "My name is Kim Hayeon Nice to meet you too!".

After flying for 20 minutes in the sky , we have to land. "Okay Miss Hayeon we are landing!" she slightly pout. "That's quick.." I laughed at her cute reaction. "Where did that girl go? The girl who was screaming and crying for help where did she go?" she shot me a death glare. "Is it a need to say those things?" I laughed quietly at her comment.

At last , we land on the ground softly. "Miss Hayeon you can unbuckle the safety harness" she nod and took it off. "You can just call me Hayeon it's a bit too formal" I rubbed the nape of my neck. "You too then.. you can just call me Ji hoon" she smiles at me brightly. "Sure Ji hoon". "Haeyeon!!" I see her friend running towards Hayeon. "Omg Chaeyoung I can't believe I did it! I am not afraid anymore" both of them were jumping up and down excitedly. I kneel down and pack up the equipments. "Ji hoon!" I looked up and Hayeon walk towards me. "Once again Thank you so much Ji hoon!" I stand on my two feet and smile. "You should thank yourself too for overcoming that fear of yours" She nod agreeingly. "Haeyeon! Let's go!" her friend shouts from behind. "I gotta go! I will see you around I guess?". "Yeah see you around" She jogs back towards her friend while she turn and waved at me. I smile and wave back at her as well.

It's been a hectic morning to start with but is very special too. I wonder when will I ever meet her again?


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