chapter 2

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Trish blew gently on her newly painted nails as the leaves above her shook warmly with the light breeze. Her back layed on an old oak tree, books by her side unopen and the sunset tucking itself in the horizon. She was done with her classes for the day and boy was she glad. Trish didn’t enjoy being stuck in classes when she could easily be shopping, but with all the money her parents were waisting on college, she couldn’t buy herself sandals without almost falling into debt.

‘’Trish, Trish!” she heard a male voice yell from behind her. 

she stood up from her spot and walked over to her two year boyfriend. ‘’Hey, Dez!” she pulled him down and pecked his lips.

Trish’s eyebrow arose as she examined fez breathe heavenly. Light sweat droplets were falling from his forehead, as if he had ran or exercise and was trying to catch his breath. 

‘’Are you okay?”

Dez fell to the ground, while continuing to inhale oxygen. ‘’Aus…he…back…tell…’'

Trish helped her boyfriend up. ‘’Dez, i can’t understand you’'

Dez took one last breath. ‘’Austin…h-he’s back…he called and said that he’s leaving the tour early because he wants to see Ally’'

‘’Wait,what?’’ trash, exclaimed. ‘’do you think he knows about Andy?”

Dez began pacing back and forth.’’No, i doubt it, he would’ve asked by now. What are we gonna tell Ally?”

Trish began mumbling to herself. Ally didn’t want Austin to know that she had his child, so austin’s arrival would surely be a challenge for all. She couldn’t betray her best friend by telling her other best friend that he was a father, but she couldn’t just lie to her other best friend either. Life was complicated.

‘’well, let’s just tell her right now’'

Dez sighted. ‘’I guess, now come on’'

they arrived at Ally’s apartment in under twenty minutes. Allyson Marie Dawson no longer lived with her parents, no she was on her own now. She attended online college, but trash was just glad to have her best friend close to her.

‘’Trish, dez!’’ the beautiful brunet cried out, pulling her friends into a hug. 

they both entered the small apartment. ‘’hey, Alls. where’s Andy?’'

‘’he’s sleeping, my baby boy was tired’’ Ally recalled from a few minutes ago.

Trish nodded as dez nervously played with his hands. ‘’So, Ally… if austin were to come back what would you do?’'

ally shot him a confused glare. ‘’dez, what are you talking about?”

Trish cleared her throat and roamed her eyes around the room. Ally,quickly noticing this, walked closer to them with her arms crossed across her chest. 

‘’Trish, what’s going on?’'

Trish took a deep breath and felt Dez’s fingers interwine with hers. ‘’you see… the thing is… Austin’s coming back from her’'

and in that moment, a high pitch cry was heard from the nursery.

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