More Than You Know Chapter 2

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More Than You Know

Chapter 2:

I had an off feeling about her. Somthing wasn't right. Not just because she is the only person who's mind I can't read but her story didn't make sence. She told us that she was my father's cousin's daughter.

"Which one of Eric's cousins is your mother?" My mother asked. Just mentioning my father's name made her voice shake a bit.

"You wouldn't know. Eric didn't know my mother." Amara replied.

She was lying. I couldn't read her mind but I could see it. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Why would she lie about this?

"Why not?" I asked, speaking for the first time since I introduced myself.

She shot me a quick glare. My mother didn't notice.

"If you MUST know it's because my mother died shortly after I was born. And Eric never met her."

It still didn't make sence. My father was close to his family. He would have know her before she died. Which means my mother would have known her.

I listened to my mother's thoughts for a second.

Nice girl. Looks sweet and she sure is beautiful. But why don't I remember her or her mother? I guess it's possible that after Eric...

I tuned out. That's just like my mother. She notices that somthing is up with Amara and she just ignores it!

"So why are you here? What do you want from us?" I said. It came out harsher than I planned.

"Now Lydia don't be rude! She already explained to me that both her parents are dead and she need a place to live!"

"Live here?!?" No way. No way was this creepy stranger living with my mother and I.

"Yes I put her things upstairs already."

I thanked God that we had a big house. That means we didn't have to share a room. That's where I would have drew the line.

"Make yourself at home Amara! Lydia why don't you show her where her room is and give her a tour of the house!"

"Yes why don't you." Amara said.

Creepy. With a capital C.

We walked up the stairs and around the upstairs halls. She didn't look at all interested it what I was showing her. She stared at me the whole time.

"Um can I help you with somthing?" I finally spoke.

"No. By the looks of it your commpletely worthless."

I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into my room and shut the door so my mother wouldn't hear.

"Listen," I started, "I don't know what your deal is but believe me I will find out. I'm not stupid or worthless. I know your up to somthing."

She laughed but it wasn't the kind of laugh you laughed after someone told you a joke.

"Why do you hate me so much!! You've known me for about 10 minutes and I'm already on you bad side? What the heck is you problem?!"

"Oh I've known you for much longer than ten minutes, Laila."

"Did you just call me Laila?"

"No!" she said too quickly, defensivly. "I said Lydia. That's your name isn't it?"

"Yes. But you called me Laila."

"I'm going to go unpack my things." she ran it the guest room. How did she know where it was? I didn't even get to that section of the house?

I wish there was someone I could talk to. My mother was no help when it came to this sort of thing. All I could think right now was: I am alone. Completly and utterly alone.


Oooooooo crepppy! Muahahaha!

So what are your thoughts on Amara? Do you think Lydia's being too paranoid?

I know this was short. I'll try to make te other ones longer. I try to post everyday.

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You guys rock!

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