More Than You Know Chapter 4

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.More Than You Know

Chapter 4:

We pulled up to my highschool. Amara got out of the car, but I just sat there.

"Don't worry I have fake passes in my bag. We won't get in trouble!" she said reading my mind.

I really need to remember to keep that shield up.

"How did you get fake passes?"

"I'm prepared for everything, Lydia."

"Hey you finally got my name right!" I teased.

She playfully stuck her tongue out at me and I laughed as we walked into the school.

Amara gave the secretary our passes and she got her schedule. I looked at it. Even though she is a sophomore she is in alot of junior classes. Actually all her classes were junior classes. I knew this because she had all the same classes as me!

I gave her the are-you-serious look. She just shrugged. And off to history! At least after that we get to go to lunch!

When we walked into the cafeteria I sat at my regular table with a few classmates as usual and Amara sat with me. I introduced her to them.

"Reena, Olivia, Tony this is my... Uh.. Cousin, Amara."

They all welcomed her and we sat and ate lunch. Well all of us but Amara who sat there making friends with them. I was begining to wonder if she didn't eat. I zoned out enjoying the peace and quiet. Lunch used to be my least favorite part of the day because of the constant noise of peoples thoughts and voices. But now all I hear are normal voices speaking. And I can tune all of that out. I still had so many questions for her. I hope we talk more after school. I'm going crazier than usual.

I stood up to throw my lunch away. On my way back to the table, someone stopped me. It was Tyson Bradley.

Tyson was the kind of guy who all the good looks, all the friends, and all the money. One word to describe him: Popular. So why was he stopping to talk to me?

"Hey... Lydia. Right?" he started. Well he got my name right. Even if he was unsure.

"Yeah. That's m-me." Did I just studder??? What is wrong with me! He's just a guy. You've talked to guys before, Lyd! But what could this guy possibly want for me?

"So... What up?" what's going on here? This day just keeps getting more and more confusing. First Amara teaching me those crazy whatever you call it and now Tyson is asking me what's up? I've known him since kindergarten and he has never once spoken to me let alone look my direction. I know was debating whether to put down my shield and read his mind to see what was behind all this, but I reminded myself that this is what I always wanted. I'd always had trouble with people (mostly guys) because I always knew what they were thinking. Well here's my chance to be normal!

"Um nothing. Um is there a reason you wanted to talk to me..." I said eager to get this conversation over with.

He seemed to be staring past me.

"Oh yeah. I'm having a party at my place this weekend and I wanted you to come as my date. Sound cool?"

So many things rushed in my head at once. A party? I've never been to a real highschool party. Let alone one hosted by the most popular guy in school. And he wants ME to be his date? It didn't make sense! He had tons of girls that payed attention to him and would do anything to go to one of his partys. Why me? Why was I thinking about this too hard? Maybe he actually likes me. I mean not likely but why not?

"Uhh.. Sure." I said it more as a question though. No enthusiasm in my voice.

"Oh and bring your friend too." he said still looking past me. My friend? I spun around. And saw who he was staring at the whole time he was talking to me! He didn't want me! He wanted me to bring her! Of course he wouldn't want to date me... What was I thinking!

And then my shield slipped. Every thought came rushing into my brain and gave me and instant headache. One so bad I dropped to the floor. My head felt like it wa going to explode!

"Whoa are you okay?" Tyson asked. But I heard his thoughts. Which made me ten times more embarrassed than I already was.

*Tyson's thoughts: did she just fall or somthing? I was looking at her hot friend I didn't even see what happened. What a freak. She probably passed out at the thought of going to a party with me. I have that effect on people. My plan was just to meet her there then ditch her for her friend.... Great now everyone in the cafeteria is starring. As if I didn't look stupid enough talking to this loser now she lying on the floor. What the hell is her problem?

(end of thought)

I knew I looked stupid. This is so embarrassing! How dare he! Tears of rage formed on the brim of my eyes. And then I did somthing I never thought I'd have the guts to do. I stood up grabbed a tray from the table I was standing next to and dumped it on his perfect golden hair. Then took the chocolate milk for the tray and poured that on top.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!" He yelled at me. I was thinking the same thing. What had I done!? Oh well it's not like he didn't deserve it! That good for nothing jerk! And without another word I ran out of the cafeteria and headed to the bathroom. I wasn't crying over the fact that the coolest guy in school didn't like me after all. I was crying because I knew I could never be normal. No matter how much I tried, it just wasn't possible.

The bathroom door opened.

"Lydia? Are you in here?" A voice called.

It was Amara. For some reason she was the last person I wanted to talk to. But it's not like there was anyone else in the world I could talk to.


Yeah, I know kinda a boring chapter. Well what did you think anyways?

Thanks for reading!





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