More Than You Know Chapter 14

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More Than You Know

Chapter 14:


"Lydia wake up!"

I heard the voices, but I couldn't see the faces.


Someone kept calling me. I wanted to answer and tell them I was right here but my mouth wouldn't open and neither would my eyes.

"Is she okay?" one of the voices said.

"Yes, she'll be fine." another answered.YA

What are they talking about? Of course I'm fine. Can't they see me? At least I think I'm fine. I guess if I was really fine I would be able to see who was talking to me.

"When will she wake up?" the first voice asked.

My eyelids loosened up and I opened them, blinking frequently.

"I would say now." the second voice answered.

My eyesight was still fuzzy but I was soon making out the figures kneeling beside me.

"Lydia!" Amara yelled. I recognized her as the first voice. Which means Caven was the second.

"Ughh. What happened?" I asked rubbing my head. It was throbbing.

"You passes out and hit you head rather hard on the floor." Caven said.

"Oww." I said, still holding my head. It really hurt.

"Here let me get you an icepack. It will heal in about 5 minutes though."

"How long was I out!" I asked.

"Only 30 seconds." Amara said.

I gave them both a puzzled look. How could my head me healed in 5 minutes! I banged it on the hardwood floor!

"We heal fast." they both said at the same time. I assumed when they said 'we' they meant immortals.

"Oh," I said. "well that's good to know."

Caven chuckled, but Amara's face stayed serious.

Then I remembered the reason I passed out in the first place. Amara's my half-sister. I still can't believe it. My father had gotten married after my mother and had another daughter! And my poor mother still isn't over him! This made me angry at my father. I know I don't know him, or his reasonings, but I sure hope he has a good excuse for what he put my mother (and me) through. Not that it was even his fault though. But I thought my mother was his soul mate! I didn't think you could just get up one day and leave your soul mate... But then again... What do I know?

"Amara?" I asked.


"Who is my- I mean 'our' fathers real soul mate? You mother or mine?"

She paused for a minute. At first I thought she desided to ignore my question but then she said, "I don't know.

In the few days I have known Amara, not once have I even heard her say that she didn't know somthing.


[back to Lydia's house, 10:57 PM]

Amara and I crept into the house super quietly in hopes that my mother wouldn't wake up. We were walking up the stairs, in the dark, I was in front when I bumped into something.

"Ow!" I yell-whispered, though it didn't really hurt.

I looked up. And there my mother was. Crossed arms, foot tapping and everything.

I grinned shyly up at her. Knowing we were busted.

"Uhh... Hey there mom." I said.

She stared at us (mostly me) for a second then said, "What on earth do you girls think your doing getting home at 11 o'clock at night?!?! Neither of you left a note, called me or anything! What were you thinking!"

We both bowed our heads in shame.

"Sorry." we mumbled.

Luckly my mother was too tired to interigate us so she mumbled a few things then stumbled back to bed.

"That was close." I said, but Amara didn't respond.

We walked to our rooms without another word said. Tonight, I decided, I was going to sleep. I didn't want to be up doing nothing until morning. That would leave too much time for thinking.

Just to make sure I didn't have trouble falling asleep I went to the bathroom and took two large sleeping pills. Surprisingly, they worked almost instantly. I was barely in bed when I passes out.


[«Lydia's Dream»]

I saw my dad. We were in a forest clearing. He was opposite of me. I lifted my hand to wave, but he didn't see me. He was looking to his left, but I didn't see anyone next to him. I called his name over and over but he just kept ignoring me.

I looked to my side and saw my mother. She was knelt on the ground, tears flowing out of her eyes. She was staring at my father.

When I turned to looked at him again he was standing with his arm around a woman. She was beautiful. Like a godess.

Who was this woman?

Amara emerged out of the forest and stood in front of the woman and my father. My father put his arm on her shoulder. They looked like they were all posing for a picture. Smiling. They all looked so happy. They looked like... a family. A happy family.

Without my mother and I... We were alone. And broken.

He didn't care. He stood there smiling with his perfect family not even bothering to look directly across from him at the wife and daughter he left years ago.

I felt many emotions. Fear, betreyal, sadness, anger.

How could he do this to us?!?

I looked back to where my mother was, but she was gone. I looked back up and so was my father and Amara. But the woman stood there. Starring at me. Mocking me.

Someone new emerged from the forest.

It was Jorryn. I smiled when I saw him. But soon, he too disappeared. With the woman that I envied.

I was losing everyone.


Sooo what'd ya think?

Sorry it took so long to post. I just got back from vacation.

Remember to




I've been disappointed with the amount of votes I've been getting!!!!!


Oh and thanks to all of you who have fanned me!!! You rock!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2010 ⏰

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