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Hey, I know you guys are really liking this story and so am I! Thanks for all the comments. They make my day honestly.

Soz. I don't have any music today.


(y/n)'s POV

My hand was still tingling from when I had smacked Dan. I wasn't a rather violent person, but I just couldn't help it. I had to hit him. I slammed the front door to my house, not worrying about my mum yelling at me for it because she was working tonight.

"(y/n)?" Zoe came in the front foyer with a granola bar in her hand. "What happened? Why are you crying?!" she asked, rolling up her sleeves. She was ready to kick ass and I knew it.

"Why are you in my house?" I asked, though choked sobs.

"I knew something was going to hapen so your mom let me in." she said. "So who hurt you?" Zoe asked.

"Well, um, Dan." I said, a fresh set of tears rolling down my face.

"Didn't you go on a date with Caspar?" she asked.

"Yeah, but he left me for Grace and then Dan tried comforting me and I snapped and he asked for forgiveness and I said no and I slapped this shit out of him." I gushed. When given the chance to talk while your crying, you should take it. You never know if you can again. Crying sucks. 

"You slapped him?" Zoe asked. I nodded and held out my red hand. She examined it in shock. "Wow, you slapped really hard." she said, running her fingers over my palm.

"It was a lot expressed through one slap, Zoe." I said. Zoe nodded and led me into my kitchen where my tea was sat.

"Okay, let's start with Caspar." she said.

"He spent the entire night staring at Grace seated in the booth next to us and when I asked him if he liked her, he said yes. So I just said I was disappointed and left. I cried of course, cause whether or not it was a bad break up it's still sad and Dan showed up." I explained.

"So you're not mad at Caspar." she said.

"No, I wasn't necessarily happy with us either." I said.

"And what did Dan say to you exactly?" Zoe asked.

"He--" I thought about it for a moment. "He said, I guess our dates left us for each other, huh? That sucks." I said, trembling with anger.

"That sucks?!" Zoe asked.

"So I'm not exaggerating?" I asked.

"No, somone doesn't say that after tormenting them for so long. It's not right."

"Then I sort of snapped, saying it does suck and he tried to calm me down by putting his arm around me and there was a lot me being angry and him saying sorry and then I slapped him and told him that I hated him." I said. "He has no right to swoop in as the hero to comfort me. He's says he's sorry, but I know he'll never change. Never." I ranted. Zoe watched my face as I spoke.

"(y/n), I'm sorry." she said. She wrapped her arms around me in a hug and I gratefully took it.

"I'm done with Daniel James Howell. Done." I said, wiping away my tears.

"That's good to hear. How does a little TV party sound. I'll stay over for school." Zoe said. I nodded and went to the freezer for ice cream. The doorbell rang and Zoe motioned that she would get it. She opened the door and there was a slight amount of conversation before I heard yelling.

"You have no right to say I can't see her!"

Dan? Why won't he go away? I'm done.

"You have no right to show up here!" Zoe argued. I cautiously poked my head round to see they were both in each other's faces, angry.

"(y/n)? Please let me talk to you." Dan said. My vision focused and I noticed he was looking at me.

"Get the hell out of here Dan." Zoe said.

"(y/n) please." Dan pleaded.

"What?" I asked.

"I want to talk." he said.

"What? What...what makes you think I'll back you up? Makes you think I'll want to talk?" I asked.

"I just...I'm desperate. Please." he said.

"Get used to it." I replied. I turned to leave when he yelled again

"(y/n), I'm not leaving until you talk to me!" he called. I turned on my heels and walked back up to my previous spot.

"Okay. Talk." I said. Zoe backed away slightly.

"Alone." Dan said.

"Yeah, no. That's not happening." I replied.

"I'm sorry (y/n). I never meant to act like the hero or whatever. I just was concerned about you. You were crying and I just wanted to help because I car--"

"No you don't. You never have, you don't, and you never will."

"Please I just--"


"Please. I don't know what to do. I just want you to forgive me. Please." he said.

"You want to know what to do??" I asked. He nodded. "Here. Get the fuck out of my house. I've dealt with you for longer than I should have and I even gave you a second chance to redeem yourself, but instead you crushed me. I'm DONE. Get out." I said. He fell silent and nodded, leaving. Zoe stared at me for a moment before I burst into tears, crumpling to the ground.

"I hate him. I hate him so much." I said, through my sobs. Zoe sank to the floor, holding my shoulders, not saying anything. She just let me cry and that was what I honestly needed.

Sorry it was a little short, but eventful!

Stay awesome!


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