Freshies Suck

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(y/n)'s POV

I sat myself in the library after greeting the librarian and Zoe plopped herself next to me. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"I know you hate this question, but how are you holding up?" Zoe asked. I just shrugged and ate a chip.

"Okay, I guess." I replied.

"You guess? It's me (y/n), you can tell me." she said. I sighed. 

"I have to go to rehearsals after school." I said. Zoe sat up, looking at me in confusion, until it dawned upon her that he was my leading male.

"Oh...what are you going to do?" Zoe asked.

"All I can do. Be professional. If he doesn't get in my way, I'll be relatively okay." I said. She nodded and stole a chip from its bag.

"There you are." I glanced over to Phil's voice. He was alone, thankfully and took a chair across from me.

"Did you just leave Hazel by herself?" I asked. Phil's face flushed and I smirked.

"Only for a moment I just wanted to see if you were in here." Phil said. "Are you ready for rehearsal?" Phil asked.

"Yeah." I replied, popping another chip in my mouth.

"That's what we were just talking about." Zoe explained. Phil nodded.

"Well, we're fine here. Go. Don't leave your girlfriend all by her lonesome." I said.

"Literally, shut your mum." Phil said and I laughed. That has definitely gotten easier. Laughing. Phil got up, red faced, and left, leaving Zoe and I alone.

"Can I come watch today? And then we can hang out!" Zoe suggested. I nodded and we continued chattering. I felt like something was supposed to go wrong, like it has been, but everything was peaceful. A feeling in the pit of my stomach started to form and I cringed.

"What?" Zoe asked.

"I don't know, but I feel like something is going to go wrong. I feel kind of sick now." I explained. Zoe nodded.

"I'm not surprised. You've dealt with quite a bit with he who shall not be named. It's just you trying to readjust. You're not used to peace around here. Why don't we take a walk before the bell." Zoe said. I nodded and threw my trash away. We headed out into the empty halls. Other students in that lunch period were hurrying around, messing with each other. Lunch monitors had eventually given up by this time to corral everyone. We walked forward and within seconds a body collided with me. The person's arms wrapped around me to stop us from falling and we stopped. I opened my eyes to see a rather frantic looking freshman. He stood, arm around my waist, our chests pressed together, looking at me.

"Uh, hey there." I said. He seemed to snap out of his little trance and he let go.

"Sorry. My fault." He said, chuckling, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No prob, hey you're in Drama right?" I asked, recalling that I had seen this boy before.

"Uh, yeah. Austin." He said, holding out a hand. I took it.

"I'm (y--"

"(y/n). I love your acting." he said. I felt my face turn pink.

"Oh, thanks." I said.

"Wow, Austin! Picking up the Sophomore girls eh?" (if I didn't mention. You're a sophomore. Ha. Yes you can drive cuz it's later in the year and you're already 16 so. Yeah.)

I turned to see another boy with a goofy smile bounding towards us.

"What? No. I was just...uh..."

"Shut up scrub." the other boy replied. Zoe joined me and the boy looked over at me.

"Oh. You're (y/n)." he said. I gave him a confused look. 

"Yeah, but how do you know that?" I asked.

"You're the one with all the beef with that dude Dan." he said. I felt my face go white.

"What? Is this some sort of game of yours?!" I asked.

"Nah, I don't participate. It's all the freshmen. You guys are like famous to them. I don't know why." he said shrugging.

"So you guys just love hearing about my horrible life?" I asked, genuinely hurt.

"Nah, they're rooting for you actually. Ask any girl here and they'll personally slap the shit out of him. I'm with them, but most of the boys aren't. It's like this war." He said. I felt like fainting.

"You alright (y/n)? Shut up Blake." Austin said. This caught Zoe's attention.

"You freshies are sick." Zoe said, scowling.

"Hey, it's not us." Blake said.

"Seriously Blake. Shut the hell up." Austin said. I felt like I was about to faint. I had just discovered that my little life has been a reality TV show to them. That's messed up. The bell rang and I caught my breath, which I hadn't realized I had been holding.

"I'll see you later Austin. I-I...I have to get to class." I said, starting off. Zoe followed and we walked in silence.

"That's so fucked up." Zoe said, angrily scowling.

"What is?" Phil asked, catching up with us. Zoe explained and I just tuned it out, listening to the chatter of the hallway. It was like I was trying to hear underwater. I don't care right now.

"That's horrible!" Phil said. We entered the classroom. "I can't believe the freshmen think this whole situation is like a TV show to them."

"Neither can I Phil. Neither can I. Can you imagine learning you're lowest points exposed to an audience. It's like you're acting, but it's for real. They know everything and I didn't know it until now. They know about me." I said. I felt a pair of eyes on me and I glanced towards the door where Dan was stood. He knew I was talking about my lowest points in regard to him.

"Freshmen suck. You're life isn't some TV show!" Zoe said. I kept eye contact with Dan for a few moments before turning away.

They know everything.

Wow. This is what the freshmen are like at my school. When their lives aren't interesting enough they focus on the upper class men. Like get the hell out of my face.


Stay awesome!


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