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The sunlight entered the room through the window. A pair of cute eyes blinked, and then widely opened. A lonely smile came into her face. She loosened the grip of the pink Teddy bear beside her. She look here and there for a while and then came to know that now it is morning.
Chirping of birds, a smooth blowing air and a silence is all about a fresh morning. She gather her smooth and silky hair and tied them into a bun.

"Good morning Sam!!" She said to her self.

She opened the wardrobe and her eyes were searching that. Yes, the grey top.
Tears roll down from her cheeks as she was busy in her thoughts seeing the top.
"I miss you mom!!" She muttered to herself. She was very busy in her own thoughts but she soon came to know that it is '8 am' and she is very late for the college. She entered the washroom with the top,a jeans and towel in her hands.

She ride on her activa(scooty) and started it . It was running fast as possible cause she was very very late.

'Samaira Singhania ???' The professor yelled her name during the attendance as he can't see samaira in the class.

'Yes sir, ye...s!!!' Samaira entered the hall with a sudden shake in the door.

'Why are you so late???? ' The professor asked her while she was standing silently at the entrance.
'I am sorry sir. I am promising that in future I will not repeat this act. In that case, you can punish me in whatever way you want.'

'I will not ask you in what way I should punish you!!!. Samaira, (his voice become soft) you are a good girl na... so why are you doing this???? '

'Sorry sir, for some circumstances I was unable to come college in time. Ah... can I come in, sir??? '

'Yes, but don't repeat it further. '

She went to the backseat as all the front seats were full. Samaira made her way to the bench beside Rishika ,her best friend.

Maths lectures were going on, sam's hated subject. At Maths lectures Samaira and Rishika used to only talk and paid no attention towards the lectures. On that day, they repeated their act. Its all about gup-shup .
Conversation between Samaira and Rishika:-

"When I was entering the college, I saw the helpers and employees ornamenting the college.... why??? ' Samaira asked to Rishika.

'Oh my gosh!!! You are so stupid ..
Did you forgot about the college fest day after tomorrow??? Ah ... anyways I am reminding you. The day after tomorrow is the college fest. All St. Stephians are participating in it . And the biggest news!! Entrepreneur Mr. Ruhaan singh rathod is coming to direct our engineering and business students. Isn't it sounds good??? .'

'Ah .....can you tell me who is this R-u-h-a-a-n si...ngh ....Rathod????'

'Omg!!! You don't know who is RUHAAN SINGH RATHOD?? Shame of you!!! '

'Oh come on Rishi..... its not a big deal'

'Yes ,it is .... how can you??? '

'You are reacting like I have drunk your coffee!!!! Anyways tell me who the hell is Ruhaan.... '

'Oh don't use weird word for him ... okay ..... He is the famous business entrepreneur of Rathod business group, and only at the age of 24.'

'Oh!!! I think that he was a superstar or something.... You know what if Ranbir Kappoor or Siddharth Malhotra would come there is no limit of excitement for me...'

'He is no less than a star ....okay! Do you know he is damn cute??? '

'The word cute is used only for girls ..... that means😜😜....'

'Oh just shut up😒😖' Rishika hit her on her head, ' okay he is handsome, alright!!!.'

'Yes it is good and a manly thing.'

'Oh you are....lets see him tomorrow.'


Suddenly a peon entered the hall with the diary of notices. The professor put his glasses and started reading it, then he announced:-
'Day after tomorrow is the St.Stephen's college festival. It is compulsory for all the girls and boys to attend the event. Everyone should be dressed in an adorable and sober manner. One more announcement for the engineering and business students. Famous professional entrepreneur RUHAAN SINGH RATHOD is coming as a cheif guest and he will give some tips and advises to our students. Recently his company, RATHOD BUSINESS GROUP has given sponsorship to one of our rally. So he is coming here. Okay lets focus on maths. Enjoy'

Samaira think for a while and then asked Rishika , ' Is he soft or rude???? '
'How did I know??? Well everyone said that he is a nice guy😁.... ha ha ha.... He must be nice . Lets see'

Samaira was not presenting, but was excited to see 'him'.

A/N :-
Hi!!! How is the first chapter??? Hope it would be enough to fill a little space in your big minds..... Please leave your precious comments and views in the comment section .
All criticism and advises would be excepted with pleasure.

Want to know what will be going further??? Stay tuned!!!😊😁😉

A Step Together...  with you forever...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें