Don't Chase Me

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Don’t Chase Me

I checked myself in the mirror one last time. I hated it when my black make-up smudged; I mean no one looks at me but it still embaracing. I looked in the tiny mirror at my brown eyes. If I wore no make-up they were bright but I always wear thick black make up that makes my eyes look almost black. My long dark brown hair fell into my eyes. I smiled at the army jacket I wore. I don’t know why but I just loved it. I wore a medium sized black skirt and a simple black tank top. I had long black lace up converse that came up to just below my knees.

“Will you stop looking at yourself?” I heard my brother faking being angry at me.

I stuck my tongue at him “Never!” I stated and closed the mirror flipping it up.

He chuckled “finally”. My brother had short brown hair and light brown eyes. He wore a simple jeans and a white T-shirt.

I opened the door and jumped out of my brother’s car. He was in grade 12 and I was only in grad 11 and he never let me forget it.

It made me laugh because he was star of the football had all the sluts on his arms and then there was me. I wasn’t a reject, I have a few friends and have a few jacka$$ ex’s. After my last ‘boyfriend’ I kind of started turning to black. I actually used to be a ‘hippie’ I mean people used to title me as that because before all I wore were jeans and tie-dye T-shirts.

I spotted my best friend Gareth coming over to me. He had short black hair and green eyes, he was taller than me and just dressed simple in jeans and a black T-shirt.

“Hey” I said with a smile as I met him half-way.

“Hey” he said giving me a smile and then we started walking talking about people, homework and of course his b1tch of a crush. I don’t even understand how he can like-

 I stopped walking my head snapped spotting one person in particular. He was tall and had long black hair and blue eyes. He wore jeans, a white T-shirt and a leather jacket over top.

But I mostly notice his scent. It was weird I was so far away from him and yet I could smell him and I knew it was him. His scent was over powering and it gave me tingles.

Someone slapped me on the back, not hard just slapped. I looked to see Gareth raising an eyebrow at me. My head snapped back to the boy and he was watching me, he looked angry. I looked back and Gareth and smiled.

“I hate it when you zone out” he stated.

I shook my head “then don’t hang out with me” I stated.

He was about to retort but was forced against the school wall by the guy I was looking at earlier. He had his hands curled up in Gareth’s shirt and had an angry and annoyed look on his face while Gareth looked like he was ready for a fight but confused.

I quickly grabbed the guy’s shirt “what the fvck are you doing?” I growled at the boy I was drooling over earlier. I felt the need to melt against him but my anger was over powering that.

His face snapped to mine and his irises were completely black. I almost wanted to flinch away but at the same time didn’t. I let go of the guys shirt as he let go of Gareth’s.

He stood there staring at me and his eyes transformed back to blue in front of my eyes, it as if someone hit a switch.

Then he ran. He just full out ran. I watched after him as he rounded around the schools edge far away.

I felt Gareth’s presence beside me and he mumbled “what a weirdo” then in a little louder tone he said “so shall we go inside?” he asked.

I turned to face him and nodded. We started to just chat again. Sometimes can’t believe some of the things we talk about. But I love to argue with Gareth mostly. Well I just like arguing with someone but Gareth could just challenge me more than anyone I know. He was my best friend.

I got too my locker and waved good bye to him as he left to go to his locker and his first class. I opened up my plain old locker throwing in my grey shoulder bag and pulling out my books I would need.

I turned and walked to my first class Health. I was happy because I sat at the back and since there were enough seats no one sat beside me at the table. I didn’t really associate with people. God only knows how Gareth and I became friends. After that I met Gareth’s friends and they all like me as I do them… well after they got over the dark make-up they liked me.

I walked into the door of my history class and smiled at the Mr. White who smiled back at me. I never figured out why he was a teacher, I mean he was buff and handsome. I mean, I am not one to go for the teacher but I know the other girls try.

I walked to the back of my class and set my books down taking my seat. Mr. White was the only teacher who talked to me. Personally I liked him, he could crack a good joke and was very good at teaching.

I took out a piece of paper and started doodling. Then I felt the need to look up and my heart started pounding. I finally gave in and looked up to see the kid from earlier walking right up to me. He smiled and pulled the chair out beside me and sitting down.

I looked back to my page and continued to doodle. I felt a warm hand on my back and it felt so right. I looked and saw the boy gentle rubbing my back looking at me.

“Is your back okay?” he asked but it came out as I whisper.

Oh god. That was the first time I heard his voice and I was glad that I was sitting down because I would have melted. Even the slightest whisper out of this boy’s mouth makes my heart beat a mile a minute.

I bit my lip and just nodded my head finding myself lost for words. Maybe that’s why he attacked Gareth he thought Gareth had hurt me… did my brother put him out to watch me?

He gave me a small smile “I’m Mitch” he said lightly. God, why? Why? Why? Why!?! That is my most favorite name for a guy.

“I’m Chrystal or Christie” I said but it only came out as a whisper.

“Okay… now we can never talk again” he stated and arose from his chair grabbing his books and he left. Just walked out the door leaving me totally confused.

What the fvck just happened?

Okay well, I am leaving for holidays until July 16, so I don't think I will be able to upload until then. I might get to a computer here and there, in which case I will upload. But don't count on them, when I get back this story will go back to the regular scedule which is an update about every two days.

Just wanted to put this out there!

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