19: Anger

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Chapter 19: Anger

“Alright get the fvck out!” my brother Nathan’s voice woke me from my sleep.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes “what?” I asked tiredly.

“Babe” Mitch said sitting up beside me and holding the blanket up. I looked and saw Nathan covering his eyes and I instantly blushed. I pulled the blanket up covering my naked chest.

“I’m good” I mumbled.

Nathan turned back around and picked up his baseball bat “Now get- oh hey Mitch” he stopped midsentence when he realised it was Mitch.

Mitch gave a small wave “hey man” he said back. He leaned over to me and kissed my cheek.

“You know, you only had to blow the guy to get what you wanted” Nathan mumbled.

Mitch growled and grabbed a pillow and threw it at Nathan. It hit him and Nathan mumbled “alright I’m out” before leaving and shutting the curtain behind him.

I turned Mitch “did we?” I asked hesitantly.

“Oh yeah” Mitch said with a smile and leaned in placing a kiss on my lips. Just a brief touch of the lips before he pulled away and got out of bed.

 I shielded my eyes “I don’t want to see your… banana!” I stated.

He chuckled “you saw it last night” he stated.

“That was different!” I groaned.

“I’m good” he said after a few seconds. I looked and he just through on a pair of jeans from the open duffel bag on the floor. He was so sexy with his messed up hair and no shirt.

“I’ll be back” he stated before leaving the room shutting the curtain behind him. I took the chance and jumped out of bed and to the close in my corner. I quickly slipped on panties and a bra. I through on a pair of sweat pants and a tank top.

I just put my hair up in a ponytail when Mitch came back in. He frowned “I missed the show” he stated.

I rolled my eyes and went to walk past him but he caught my waist. His lips met mine and I gave him the satisfaction of me kissing him back before I pulled away.

“I still have questions… Also I don’t know if I can accept you” I stated.

He sighed “I don’t blame you” he murmured before stepping back from me. I walked passed him and sat on the couch with Nathan sitting across from me. Mitch entered and he sat beside me. He automatically grabbed my waist and pulled me on to his lap.

I pushed off his lap and planted my feet on the ground. I looked at him and he gave me an apologetic smile but grabbed my legs and pulled them over his lap where he stroked them and massaged them.

I rolled my eyes “Alright, I want to know everything” I stated.

“You need to be more specific” Nathan piped up.

“I want to know how he got clothes. I want to know why he posed as a wolf. I want to know when he leaving” I stated.

My brother coughed “well I can answer the first question” he stated.

I looked at him “proceed” I stated.

“Well remember how when you first met M and then you went into the R.V and left him outside with me?” I nodded “well I picked up on his scent and knew he was a werewolf. So we had a little talk and he grabbed his already packed bag from the forest and I threw it in with our luggage” he stated.

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