16: Back From The Dead

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Chapter 16: Back From The Dead

Air came to my lungs and my eyes flashed open. I took a few deep breaths and looked around.

I was in a box. A very small dark box. I laid my hands flat against the top above my head. I pushed with all my might and the top flew open easily. I sat up because my lower half was still covered by the box.

“Well hello, long time no see” I heard a voice. My head whipped to the side and I saw my brother Nathan standing there. I looked around and it was night, we were in a grave yard.

I put my hands on the edges of the box to brace myself as I lifted myself out of the box.

I stood on the grass and found myself dressed in a classy black dress and my hair done up.

“What the hell is going on!?!” I finally said looking around. I looked back at the box and realised that it was a coffin. Beside it was an empty hole along with dirt beside it and then there was a grave beside that.

“Well you see… I couldn’t totally kill you. You are my sister!” he said.

I looked at him “what do you mean?” I said and then remember his teeth deep into my neck.

“Well… you a vampire” he said and pushed happiness in his tone.

“What? What’s the date?” I asked.

“You’ve been gone for two weeks. You had to be in the ground for a week before coming back” he stated.

“Why wasn’t I in the ground?” I asked.

“I dug it up and took out your coffin… I figured it would be easier then you clawing through the dirt” he stated.

“Oh” I mumbled and walked to the grave next to mine. I read the name and felt my heart sink.

“They buried me beside him?” I said.

“Yeah, I thought it was a nice gesture” he stated.

I nodded “that is actually amazing” I stated as a smile came to my face.

“Okay well we should bury your coffin again” he said.

I nodded and then a thought appeared in my mind “could you do that? There’s something I have to go do quickly” I said.

He nodded “I guess… don’t go see one of your old friends though” he stated.

I nodded “I’m going to see Mitch, my mate” I stated.

He nodded “alright but we have to leave before the sun comes up. We don’t want anyone to recognize you” he said.

I nodded “I’ll be back soon, if not find me” I stated.

“I will… but do you know where you’re going?” he asked.

I shook my head “I’m going to rely on our tie” I stated.

“That is good but if you want to find werewolves you could just follow the smell. I will warn you, it stinks” he said.

I nodded “okay, thank you Nathan and it’s nice to see you” I said.

He nodded and a small smile came to his face “It’s nice to see you again too” he said.

I nodded and then walked deeper into the forest. I focused all my thoughts on Mitch which wasn’t hard to do. I had a lot to say to him and I was going to say it.

I felt a pull and followed that. Then I smelt something that smelt rotten and gross. I felt the string attaching me and Mitch together get stronger and thicker.

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