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The song for this chapter is:

How to Save a Life- The Fray

Sidney's POV

"Goodnight Cindy!" Gena's muffled voice came from the other side of the door. I sighed, smiling and cupped my cheeks in my hands as I turned over and nuzzled into her pillows, trying to capture the vanilla-and-coffee scent of her home. Thoughts of her filled my head as I gazed at the bookshelves lining the walls— each chock full of novels. I knitted my brows together and tried to push her out of my head. I heard shuffling in the hall before the thin strip of orange-yellow light became black.

"Sid?" She called gently.

"Yeah?" I laughed quietly and pushed the blanket off of me.

"Do you want a cup of tea?"

"If you're having some, so will I." She pushed open the door slightly, moonlight illuminating her small face. I couldn't suppress the smile that leaked onto my face when I saw her fluffy, light blue robe that she practically disappeared into. Her skinny ankles ended at the top of a pair of fuzzy socks. "You look cute." I smirked.

"Says the one in plaid pajama pants." Gena fired back, her words harsh but her tone amused and humorous.

"Friendly." I remind her, following her as she shook her head, laughing at me.


 "I thought you said you were going to sleep. What caused the random tea craving?" I asked her, laughing as she tucked a piece of golden hair behind her ear.

"There are some nights when I can't go to bed without a cup of tea." Gena shrugged.

"Maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep." I said quietly, reaching out to stroke her white knuckles. "All these conversations are the secrets that I keep though they make no sense to me." Gena smiled back, raising her beige cup back to her lips.

A small grin played on the ends of my cheeks and I watched her crystal clear eyes flitter around the dining room table. I stared at her for a moment, trying to absorb as much of her beauty as I could. The way she held her tea cup; how she never had a chipped nail. Her eyes flicked up to meet mine. I giggled slightly as she waved a hand in front of my face. "Sidney." Her face was crumpled in confusion.

"Oh, god. Sorry Gena, what did you say?"

Gena's forehead smoothed out as she smiled. "I asked if you wanted sugar." I felt my cheeks heat up as I stared at the girl in front of me.

"Um, no. I'm good, thank you though." Her lips curled into a smile as she reached out and brushed my hand with hers.

"Cindy, you okay?" She asked, her voice comforting.

"I'm fine, just tired. The tea is needed."

Gena laughed slightly before leaning back in her chair. "I miss Skykomish so much." She said, sadness suddenly dotting her powder blue eyes. "I haven't been back since I graduated high school." Gena sighed and I squeezed her hand.

"Hey, Gena, don't be sad. You know you'll be able to go back soon enough." I tried desperately to reassure the slowly sinking girl. She continued to stare at her tea.

I pushed up from my seat across from her and slowly walked over to her. "Hey." I said gently, still holding her hand. "Hey, Gena. Look at me." I used my other hand to push her chin up. Her eyes were filled with longing and homesickness.

"I miss my mom." She whispered, standing up with me. I watched her eyes pool with an emotion I couldn't describe as I let go of her hands and placed mine on the small of her back.

"We both do." I whispered back, glancing at the two empty teacups. I hooked my fingers around the handles and picked them up off the table.

"I can't stop thinking about her lately, Sid. They said it'd be okay." Her voice was cracking. I turned away from rinsing the cups to look at her. I felt my heart break as I saw her leaning against the wall, her blonde hair falling in large ringlets around her shoulders. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"I'm sorry that they couldn't fix her," I whisper, rocking the small blonde as we stood. 

"Me too," She cries against my arms.

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