Chapter 11 - One of the Beautiful People

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"Do you see where your Travel Line intersects your Fate Line, just here? This is an indication that your travels will present a life-changing experience. You have momentous decisions to make, but you are fortunate to have the support of family and friends. You must listen to your heart, my dear. Don't be afraid to chance love, even though you have experienced heartbreak. A life of adventure awaits you."

The older woman released Marisol's palm, to a chorus of "hmmm's" and "aahhhs" from the others gathered around the table. Marisol sat with her back straight and her hands clasped in her lap, like a Disney princess, a little stunned by the accuracy of Edie's predictions.

Edie cupped both hands around her mug of tea with a placid expression. Barely five feet tall, her small round face was dwarfed by large black-framed eyeglasses and the most enormous sun hat Marisol had ever seen.

Paul slid his hand across the table, palm up. "G'wan, Edie, give it to me straight. Does a life of fame and fortune await me?"

"Don't be a smart arse," Suki said. "This is serious."

"Right. Only she lost me when she called Tara a manual laborer," Paul hissed through clenched teeth.

Angie's mother Edie was partially deaf and there wasn't much chance of her overhearing, but she was a fairly competent lip reader. And, according to Angie, a gifted palm reader and fortune teller.

"Well, he is, isn't he? He's underneath that car more than he's in it," Suki said.

"That's only since he's tinkering with the engine to make it go faster," Paul said. "Manual laborer my Scouse arse."

"I see success is about to crown some venture you have undertaken or are about to undertake," Edie announced, after examining Paul's hand for a few silent seconds.

"You don't say!"

Angie turned from the counter where she was chopping carrots. "You're being rude, Paul. Do you want Mum to read your palm or not?"

"My apologies, Edie, please continue."

"But there seem to be difficulties closing in upon you in the near future. Don't fear, good fortune outweighs the bad. Do you see how your Fate Line starts and then splits off from your LifeLine? You are a self-made individual who developed aspirations young."

"True, true," Paul agreed.

"I see a marriage, possibly your own."

Paul gasped theatrically. "Was it the two carat diamond on her finger gave it away?"

Angie glared in Paul's direction and raised the knife, stabbing the air to illustrate her words. "It wouldn't hurt you lads to be a bit more respectful when you're in this house."

Jim paused in the middle of pouring himself a cup of coffee. He calmly took the knife from Angie's hand and laid it on the counter. "The little one sleeping?" he asked.

"Oh eh, poor wee thing was right knackered from all the commotion last night, wasn't she?" Angie tutted and turned back to the counter.

"There will be a point when you will sacrifice your interests for the sake of others." Edie shoved her glasses up her nose with one hand while rubbing her thumb across Paul's palm. She glanced up at him, shook her head, and clicked her tongue. She looked back at his palm.

"What is it?" Paul asked.

"Ach. These short little lines breaking your Heart Line? Tsk. Tsk. Even though you long for family life, you have a wandering eye and a hard time remaining faithful—"

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