Check Up

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Mike and Jayden enter the Reject's base.
Jayden: Wow.
Mike: What?
Jayden: Nothing. Just been a while that's all.
Mike: Will Jess be joining the team again?
Jayden: Depends. She is taking care of our son.
Mike: Oh yeah, I totally forgot. How's Casey been?
Jayden: Alright. Misses you a little but otherwise isn't a problem.
Mike: No powers?
Jayden: Not of any kind. Hopefully he's normal and doesn't have to live the life we did.
Mike puts his hand on Jayden's shoulder.
Mike: He has two of the best people to be his parents. I think he'll be fine.
Jayden: Thanks... You ever gonna go talk to Jess?
Mike removes his hand from Jayden's shoulder.
Jayden: Sorry.
Mike: No, it's fine.... I don't know Jay. After our last talk, I don't think me and her should be talking.
Jayden: Hey, I'm not gonna force you. It's your choice and your problem to deal with. It's just that she seems angry whenever I mention you.
Mike: Then maybe you shouldn't.
Jayden: What happend between the two of you?
Mike: I told her how I felt back in 10th grade. She didn't listen very well and kept saying I was paranoid. Maybe she's right. Still doesn't excuse the fact that she ignored me for a very long time.
Mike takes off his mask and sets it on a table and sighs.
Mike: But that's in the past. Now, to get the others together.
Mike walks to the computer and presses a button.
Mike: Guys, can you come to the computer room.
Mike let's go of the button.
Mike: *cough* Sonic reference *cough*
Jayden: What?
Mike: Nothing.
Isaiah,Aiden,and Crystal walk into the computer room.
Aiden: Why'd you call us down here?
Aiden then sees Jayden.
Jayden: Hey man.
Aiden walls up to Jayden and puts his hand out.
Aiden: Hey Jay.
Jayden shakes his hand. Aiden walks off and Crytsal walks up and hugs Jayden.
Crystal: Hey there. How's Jess and the kid?
Jayden: Both are great. And it's great to see you too.
Crystal let's go and a stretched out arm reaches around Crytsal and grabs Jayden's shoulder.
Isaiah: What about me?
Isaiah walks in front of Crystal and does a bro hug with Jayden.
Jayden: Hey, Isaiah! You have powers?!
Isaiah: Yeah I do.
Jayden: What's your name?
Isaiah: *grunts* Elasto.
Jayden: Not a bad name dude.
Isaiah: Not a great name.
Jayden: Hey, where's Nelson?
Crystal: He's now a part time member.
Jayden: Oh?
Mike smiles and turns to see a picture. In the picture is Mike leaning against a wall, with a shaved face and shorter hair and joy in his eyes, Jayden sitting in a couch with Jess around his arm, Aiden hiding in the background but still visible enough to be seen, Nelson giving the camera a smirk, and Toby is holding the camera and smiling like a maniac. Mike smiles and feels a hand touch his shoulder. He sees Jayden and Aiden standing there.
Aiden: I miss the good ole days. Where we just went out and beat up common thugs and the occasional supervillian.
Jayden: Now it's like we have supervillians every minute.
Mike looks at the picture some more and he heads off to the garage.
Crystal: Where are you going?
Mike: To see an old friend.

(at an apartment complex)

Mike walks up to an apartment door labeled "Francis". Mike looks at the name and pulls out a picture of he, Toby, a white man with short blond hair and blue eyes, and an asian man with short black hair and wearing glasses. Mike points at the asian.
Mike: It's time we should talk my friend.
Mike puts the picture away and knocks in the door once when it opens. Mike looks around and then he enters the room. When the light from the hallway entered the room, it revealed the room was ransacked, sword marks all around the room, tables and chairs were broken, and in front of Mike, standing straight up on a table, was a black domino. Mike clenched his fist in anger.
Mike: Domino.

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