That Bad Boy

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My updates are going to be slow, because of school. I have papers to write and study for test.

Life what would you say about it. It's great, horrible, okay. My life it's just great the way it is. A loving mother, great grandparents, only child, great friends. You could say i was upset when my mother told me we where moving to Corpus Christi, TX. I was completely upset i was not ready to leave my home in Long beach, Cali. I love my mother and everything she's a strong woman taking care of us alone working to feed us, clothe us, and keep a roof over our heads. I would do anything for her. When my dad left before i was even born she didnt go crazy saying it was my fault for him leaving she took a stand and said no matter what he was not man for leaving us. As years went by my mom found a guy she loved and he loved her John Lock. Soon they got married which is way we are moving to live with him and his son.


If anyone has any ideas or anything I should change or add to the story, let me know.

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