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He argued with life and turned to drugs. Simple.

It just so happens that in this book, both life and drugs are embodied by women.

Oh, and death's a man. Hah.

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Drug |drʌg|


Any substance taken into the body that modifies or affects chemical reactions in the body

Example: They were the drugs to my affliction. I was the weakling to their power. They drugged me with their shallow pleasure and lustful kisses. Their mere presence and my unshielded body merged to shatter me and fill me with false hope for an unattainable future.

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It's hard to lose someone you love - to see them seep away from your grip, because of your ignorance and your slip-ups - yet it's so much harder when that person is life itself.

It's hard to resist the temptation of a drug, especially when it's the closest solution to the seemingly solution-less problem faced at the time. It's so much harder when those drugs take the embodiment of alluring girls who're there to help heal the pained wound. Are there to provide replacement for everyone lost. Are there to make you forget your mistakes and rejoice with addiction.

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They - All of them - Mingled with my senses, tingled with my thoughts, and singled out my heart. Made it vulnerable. Made me vulnerable.

I was oblivious - to the stability Eve, my life, brought together with her presence, her smile, and her radiant love - until I lost her.

I was oblivious - to the joy Matt brought together with his presence, his smile, and his stable friendship - until he was no longer.

I was oblivious - to the destruction they brought together with their presence, their smiles, and their deadly addiction – until my close ones and I reunited... or forever parted...

Intoxicated: Clayton WilderWhere stories live. Discover now