Where It Began

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Rose had received a text from Olive saying she needed her at the library. She got there just before olive arrived.
"What did you need me for?", Olive asked.
"I thought you needed me?", Rose said as she showed Olive the text. "
I didn't send you a text, you sent me a text", Olive replied as she showed Rose her phone. Rose was just about to say something as Nick walked through the door.
"Oh Mack needed you guys too?", Nick asked.
"What're you talking about?", Rose said. Olive started to explain to Nick what had happened when Mack walked in.
"Nick what is it!? I had to leave practice." , Mack asked as he dropped his football bag near the table they were sitting at.
"Dude you texted me", Nick stood up and showed Mack the text he'd gotten.
"I didn't send any text, look at mine", Mack said as he handed Nick his phone.
"Yeah and mine says Olive texted me but Olives phone says I texted her", Rose explained.
"See you two trying to prank us again!?", Olive sounded annoyed.
"No and even if we were, how would we get both of your phones to send a text at the exact same time?", Mack defended.
"You could've hacked our phones", Rose replied.
Mack rolled his eyes, "If we were pranking you then why would we come ourselves", he explained.
"And why would we come to a library", Nick said. Olive looked at Rose and shrugged.
"Well if none of us needed anything, than let's just get out of here", Olive said as she picked up her bag and slid her phone in her back pocket. Rose did the same and the two girls walked towards the door, Nick and Mack right behind them. Rose pulled the door handle, looked at Olive, and then pulled harder.
"It's locked", Rose mumbled.
"Let me try", Mack offered. He pulled and to his surprise the door was locked. "Olive looked and Rose and rolled her eyes,
"Why is it that when we say a door is locked you have to check to see if it's locked? Do you think we're uncapable of knowing when a door is locked and unlocked?", Olive whined.
"We can just call 911, maybe the janitor was closing up and accidentally locked us in", Nick tried to apply logic to the situation.
"It's Monday, the library doesn't close till 8 and it's...", Rose said as she went to reach for her phone to check the time.
"What? What's wrong?", Olive asked as she grabbed Rose's arm.
"My phone...it isn't in my pocket", she whined.
"Mine either!!", Olive said as she looked at the ground to see if she dropped it.
"We can just use mine", Mack offered as he reached into his football bag to grab his phone. His smile faded as he set the bag on the floor to look for it. After dumping it out, he realized his phone was gone too.
"Mine is gone too, maybe we left them at the table", Nick shrugged and started to walk back.
"Olives phone is like a 3rd limb, she'd never leave it on the table of a public place", Mack said. Olive rolled her eyes,
"He's got a point". When the four of them got back to the table they all gasped and looked at one another. There their phones were, sitting perfectly across from one another. Olives phone was perfectly straight and facing Rose's phone which was across the table and Nick's phone was across from Mack's.
"See right where we left them", Nick said trying to sound reassuring.
"Olive and I were sitting next to each other and you and Mack were next to each other, how did our phones end up like this", Rose said as she notices a book sitting in the middle of the table surrounded by their phones.
"What's that", Olive asked. Rose had already picked it up, it looked old and dusty with a worn out spine and the binding was crumbling. It was was bound in some kind of leather that looked exactly like normal paper or parchment. There was no title or authors name anywhere on the outside of the book.
"Don't you think it's weird there's an old blank book in the middle of the library?", Mack asked.
"Don't you think it's weird there's an old blank book that appeared in the middle of where we JUST were", Nick looked at him.
"Ok ya you're right",Mack said as he started to panic.
Rose sat down and opened the book, the first page was blank except for a name at the top. Olive Garcia.
"Um why does this book have my girlfriends name in it?", Mack asked as if any of them knew the answer.
"You should really think before you say. You sound ignorant as hell", Rose spat.
Rose and Mack had a falling out a year ago when he cheated on Olive. She should've never taken him back but of course, he used his football quarter back charm to win her over again.
Olive slapped Rose's arm, "What's it say about me?", she asked. Rose flipped the page and began reading it.
"It says the name of your birth parents...when they died...and", Rose said as she skimmed along the page.
"And what!?", Olive said before ripping the book out of Rose's hands. She read for a minute before she plopped into the nearest chair.
"Well what's it say", Nick asked. Olive didn't respond.
"It says HOW her parents died", Rose said for Olive.
"We already knew that though, her parents died in a drunk driving accident", Mack said.
"This says...they died because they broke the scared law and were executed", Olive quietly mumbled.
"Sacred law? Ok now you guys are prancing us", Mack laughed. Rose glares at him and shook her head. Nick punched his arm and pointed at Olive.
"She wouldn't react like that if it was a prank. She's not that good of an actor", Nick defended. Rose shot him a nasty look and he out his hands up in defense. Olive began flipping through the pages. She got through 10 or 11 before she looked up, her eyes wide as if she were shocked.
"It has your name too", Olive said as she held out the book to Rose. She stood up to take the book from Olives hands. She read the first page:
Name: Rosetta Maria Wayne
Parents: Maria and Ross Wayne
Cause of death:
Both broke the sacred law and have been executed
March 17th, 2000.
The book fell from her fingers and she collapsed onto her knees. Nick picked up the book from the ground and read the page before handing the book back to Olive.
"We don't know if what the book says is true Rosie", Nick said as he held her hand.
"They're not my real parents", she mumbled.
"We don't know that", Olive said supportingly
"That explains so much. My mother said I was her kid from another marriage which is why I never looked like my dad or my brother", she said as she stood up,"how could I not have known? I don't have the same last name as the rest of the family"
"You thought your mom had remarried, that would explain the different name", Olive explained.
"What's this sacred law they keep talking about", Mack asked. The three of the shrugged.
"For all we know this book is just messing with us. Let's get out of here", Nick said as he grabbed his back pack and Rose's hand. She grabbed the book and walked towards the exit. This time when Rose pulled on the door handle, it opened.

"Rose? Rose!? ROSE!?", Nick screamed. Rose sat up, drenched in sweat. She looked around, she was back in the crumby hotel room.
"Another nightmare?", Nick asked as he took her hand.
"Not really. I was dreaming about the night we found the book", she said as she plopped back down.
"Oh...the night everything changed....", he mumbled as he laid back down. Rose rolled onto her side, fading away from Nick. He scooted closer and wrapped an arm around her waist. She leaned into him and held his hand. Everything felt like it was going to be ok, she was safe at the moment. They weren't running, they weren't fighting, they weren't trying to survive off slim jims and twinkies. It was as if the world had disappeared and at that very moment, it was just her and Nick. She fell back asleep pretty quickly and thankfully she didn't dream this time

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