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They woke up around 10am and started to load their belongings back into the truck. Nick and Mack went to turn in the room key and check out.
"So how's things with Nick", Olive asked as she nudged Rose's arm with her shoulder.
"Better", Rose said as she tried hiding the smile that crept across her face. They're conversation was cut short as the boys returned. It was Mack and Olive's turn to drive today. Nick and Rose hopped into the bed of the truck; Rose pulled the tailgate shut while Nick signaled for Mack to drive. Mack turned the key and the truck roared into life, he slowly let his foot apply less pressure to the break. The truck pulled out of the parking lot and veered back onto the highway.
    "You ok?", Nick asked once they were back onto the freeway.
"Yeah...why?", Rose shrugged and leaned against the cab of the truck.
"I dont know...you kinda...kinda scared me last night", Nick said as he grabbed ahold of her hand.
"Sorry..", Rose said as she pulled her knees up to her chest.
"How long?", Nick asked as he stared out at the scenery flying by them.
"How long what?", she said.
"How long have you had nightmares", Nick mumbled as he finally found the courage to look her in the eye.
"Oh...I dont know...maybe six months", Rose shrugged again.
"So...about when you started shutting me out", Nick sighed as rubbed his eyes.
"Look, I sorry I-", Rose began to say
"No don't apologize, I understand why", Nick cut her off. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she leaned her head onto his chest. Both let out a sigh of relief and laughed. It had been a while since he had heard her laugh and he was glad he heard it again. He had originally fallen in love with her in the 7th grade because of her laugh. It was like the doorway to everything good in his life.
    Rose started to slowly fall asleep in Nick's arms. The bumps in the road didn't bother her one bit. She loved to be out on the open road, watching the scenery change all around her was one of her favorite things to do. It was like nature called to her and begged for her to be engulfed by it. When she was a kid, all she would ever do was sit in the middle of the woods, close her eyes, and listen to the sound of the wind in the leaves and the birds singing on high perched branches. She could feel the life of Mother Earth coursing through her veins. Mother Earth was the only mother she had ever known..


"What are we gonna do with it!?", Olive asked as if she was gonna have a panic attack. Mack rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on the steering wheel.
"I say we toss it out the window while going 60 on a highway", Nick chucked.
"Glad you're making a joke out of this Nicky", Mack said with a slight tinge of irritation in his voice.
"Im just trying to lighten the mood...and i told you not to call me that anymore...MACKENZIE", Nick couldn't help but laugh at the childhood name that irritated Mack.
"DO NOT MAKE ME TURN THIS DAMN CAR AROUND", Rose mockingly blurted out, sending the whole group into fits of laughter.
"But seriously what are we gonna do?", Olive asked as she checked the time on her  phone. Nobody answered her question.
"If this was a prank than how did they get all of our phones without any of us noticing?", Rose mentioned as she started to rethink the events that had just occurred.
"AND how did they get personal information on us that even WE didn't know?", Olive added in. There was a million questions and zero answers.
"...and what did it mean by our parents were executed?", Nick mumbled quietly. He tried racking his brain for some kind of memory he had of his parents. Even though Nicks parents didn't die till he was 4, he still couldn't think of one moment he had shared with them. It was as if they had been wiped from his brain.
"I think we should all stay together tonight or at least partner up", Olive suggested. They all knew she just didn't want to be alone after the creepy mystery still was unsolved.
"Well its a Wednesday so dad is working late", Rose added, "so I can stay at your place Olive".
"What about me!?", Nick argued.
"You're stuck with Mack", Olive laughed. Nick rolled his eyes. Nick and Mack used to be best friends until freshman year when Mack took the girl he had fallen in love with. Mack and Rose went on a few dates back in 9th grade. Mack knew that Nick wanted too ask Rose to winter formal but Mack asked her the day before Nick could. They had never been the same since.
"Thats fine", Nick said hoping not to start an argument. The girls looked shocked, it had been almost two years since Nick had agreed to do anything with Mack without putting up a fight.
The old Gran Torino pulled into the driveway of Olive's house. The two girls jumped out after saying their goodbyes. They snuck up the stairs so they wouldn't have to deal with Olive's mother. Olive went to the bathroom to get ready for bed while Rose flipped open the cover page of the book.
    She reread the part about her parents and then flipped the page in hopes to find out what the Sacred Law was. After a few minutes of boringly skimming she came across something frightening. She took off down the hallway, book in hand, towards the bathroom Olive was using. She knocked on the door and insisted that Olive opened the door.
    "WHAT!!!?", Olive yelled as she swung the door open.
"I know what it means", Rose replied, slightly out of breath.
"You know what WHAT means?", Olive asked as she started to calm down.
"I know what the sacred law is", Rose said as she spun on her heels and ran back to the bedroom, "we need to get the boys NOW".

"Rose?", Nick whispered quietly into her ear while slightly nudging her.
"Yah?", Rose yawned.
"Was it another nightmare?", Nick asked. Rose just silently shook her head and stretched..
"Where are we?" She asked.
"I don't even know", Nick replied while he reached back and rapped his knuckles on the window on the cab of the truck.
The window slid open and Olive stuck her head, "Morning sleeping beauties", she joked.
"Where are we?", Rose repeated her question this time to olive.
"....Lets just say...we are pretty close", Olive said as she shook her head.
"How can you tell?", Nick asked curiously.
Olive pointed to the left of them, to an open field, "Cause of that", she said.
Nick and Rose turned their attention to where the paranoid girl was pointing.
"What the hell is that?", Nick and Rose said in unison.

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